

Mag'har Orc Frost Death Knight


Best Mythic+ Score
TWW Season 1
6/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 5th Raid Week)
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Last scanned 19 hours ago
Logged out 6 days ago
About Farmerina

Ahoy. I am FARMER, a Borpachatter. I borpachat in all the premier Mythic Plus Discord servers.

I am seeking Wholesome-Borpachatting Discord Group Chats for:

~CE/~HoF Borpachatting - I love chatting; and during Prog/Push-season I want to chat 20-60 hours per week and have ~8-hour-long sessions with Zyn-breaks etc; the common ~3-hours-per-day Discord servers don't remotely sate my thirst for chatting.

I couldn't care less about being "Main Character" in Brick Layers or getting Certified Pumper in Borecord, but all the Teams who chat as much I want to Chat all seem to be HoF-range. My Goals have nothing to do with John Lewis or Ughing. I'm just here to have fun by chatting by myself. If you're funnier than me that's awesome and I want to chat with you to learn your friend groups inside jokes faster.

Mythic+chatting/~TGP I want to chat in the background of near-max Keys with a Team; and enter massive discord calls for the challenge & fun of chatting, I don't expect for anyone to listen to me.

Rated PVP/2's/~Glad - I chat more than I play the game, but I've been side character in Brick Layers and "can see fridge" in SMITE SMITE SMITE for a few different seasons. I would enjoy having a partner to chat with.

I have chatted in all of the leading M+ discords in WoW, and have chatted in the background of every key in every form of Competitive-Content at some point in WoW's lifetime.

Chatting suits me in many ways both in Gameplay: I only play multiplayer games to chat over and interrupt teams; and Thematically: I strive to chat and drown everyone else's conversations out and be a virtuous annoyance, I feel miserable when I fail to chat fro more than 45 seconds - I even avoid cursing, and chatting over an insect's buzz crawling on me fills me with guilt.

Before things like Mythic+discords and Brick Layers AOTC gray-parsing existed I created my own Challenges by doing things like asking Ry if he was mad at Moo for getting him banned on Twitch, sitting silently as the sixth man in keys I wasn't invited to, chatting to myself in the mirror, spatial-paradox pulling the thundercaller in RLP, not Invis potting In 30 fall and walking into the skip mobs, abom-limb gripping the Insta-wipe mobs in Grim Batol, etc.

Monologuing in Discord calls is one of my favorite activities, I get really bored when I stop chatting - which makes "Success" & "Winning" strangely boring to me in a sense, I don't derive joy from "being the funniest" - in fact being the funniest is one of the worst things in the world to me, and I definitely don't want Borpa Lunch in Ughcord.

Making jokes, bombing, talking over other people Strategizing the counter to the cause of the failure, Learning new inside jokes, and climbing the alphabetic user list ladder of Mythic Plus Discords are what Competitive-Chatting is to me; Discord dot com server roles couldn't mean less to me.

I like using my voice to chat.

For me writing is more difficult and less comprehensible than chatting non-stop. I refuse to use Pings and Text to communicate. I will chat over other people's Comms and drown out their conversation, but only because I am an annoying person and it is the easiest way to &$@& you off. For me chatting in walls of text and getting borpalunched are far easier than Allowing anyone else to get a word in edgewise.

Prog and Jazz are my favorite Music.

Magenta is my favorite color.

Twitch channel: Youtube Channel: Weakauras Page: https://wago.Io/p/ZINK Good Music: Music is very important to me, so here is a Youtube playlist of some of my favorite Songs. Raider IO profile: raider.Io/user/_ZINK

Contact Info


+17The Stonevault
Equipped Item Level
639.25 Item Level
4 Set Pieces (T32)
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Tier 33 (Liberation of Undermine)
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Cinderbrew MeaderyCinderbrew Meadery
Darkflame CleftDarkflame Cleft
Mechagon WorkshopMechagon Workshop
Operation: FloodgateOperation: Floodgate
Priory of the Sacred FlamePriory of the Sacred Flame
The RookeryThe Rookery
Theater of PainTheater of Pain
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Dungeon     LevelScoreTimeAffixesAll RegionsRegion
Cinderbrew MeaderyBREWCinderbrew Meadery
Darkflame CleftDFCDarkflame Cleft
Mechagon WorkshopWORKMechagon Workshop
Operation: FloodgateFLOODOperation: Floodgate
Priory of the Sacred FlamePSFPriory of the Sacred Flame
The RookeryROOKThe Rookery
Theater of PainTOPTheater of Pain
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RealmID: 452
CharacterID: 232875830
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