Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier. (Earned 24th Raid Week)
Last scanned 3 days ago
Logged out 3 days ago
About Notdamamma
Played WOW since vanilla, main a hunter class thru every iteration the class and spec except for Survival. I don't run many Mythic dungeons simply because I hate to pug them due to the erratic play of individuals and not knowing what they are going to do. So I stick to running them with friends or guildies on all of my toons. Speaking honestly the name "Raider.IO" is misleading as it focuses on Mythic instance level completion vs ones performance in Raid encounter other than the number of bosses killed. I know of many people who are fantastic at running Mythic instances and yet they fail at mechanics in Raid Boss encounters simply because they fail to listen, gear for dungeons vs raids and think because they have a high Mythic score can muscle thru encounters.