Dark Ranger


Orc Beast Mastery Hunter

Dark Ranger

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About Shootrmcgavn

Shooter's villainy is mainly in his total inability to play nice when it comes to someone that may be better than himself: his tactics went way beyond the usual cheating of arrogant rivals as well since he hired a stalker to harass his opponent and committed all manner of crazy stunts to try and ruin Gilmore's chance at success. He allowed his jealousy and egotism to completely erode what few traces of honesty, good sportsmanship, and even just basic ethics he may have once possessed.

Furthermore, he has no problem with using people as his pawns to further his aims. For instance, Shooter professes some form of friendship with his henchman Donald, but it is clear that this is a lie: He really does not seem to like him very much at all, and only even talks to him when he's trying to persuade Donald to help him wreck Happy's chance at winning the championship.

He was also prone to trying to act like a schoolyard bully but his attempts at intimidation often backfired (as seen above). Also noted at the end his villainy became his downfall when he tried to take Gilmore's grandmother's house. Gilmore beats him in the championship, causing Shooter to lose the game.

Shooter, in a fit of hysterical, envious rage, steals Gilmore's Golden Jacket and attempts to run off with it. However, Shooter doesn't make it very far before he is caught and quite severely beaten up (off screen) by Gilmore's old boss, Mr. Larson, and a mob of angry spectators.

It is unknown what happened to Shooter afterwards, but it's very likely that he was exposed as a cheater and banned from further PGA events due to his bad sportsmanship, so now he will never be able to get a golden jacket of his own.

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Ara-Kara, City of EchoesAra-Kara, City of Echoes
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Grim BatolGrim Batol
Mists of Tirna ScitheMists of Tirna Scithe
Siege of BoralusSiege of Boralus
The DawnbreakerThe Dawnbreaker
The Necrotic WakeThe Necrotic Wake
The StonevaultThe Stonevault
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Ara-Kara, City of EchoesARAKAra-Kara, City of Echoes
City of ThreadsCOTCity of Threads
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Mists of Tirna ScitheMISTSMists of Tirna Scithe
Siege of BoralusSIEGESiege of Boralus
The DawnbreakerDAWNThe Dawnbreaker
The Necrotic WakeNWThe Necrotic Wake
The StonevaultSVThe Stonevault
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