After moving from Korialstrasz server, Fudestamp found himself stranded and alone on the Velen server at the beggining of cata. He offered his services to a few sub par guilds only to be betrayed and abandoned again. Using Hellscream's vision to make the Horde Great Again, he decided to create E M P I R E, a strong legacy guild that strives to unify all of Azeroth under one banner. During the Pandaria Velen guild wars EMPIRE under Fudestamp's leadership took it's rightful place as a top 10 guild and outlived many guilds that folded during WOD and Legion. Now after 2 decades, Fudestamp and EMPIRE has extended to 6 guilds with over 2000 active followers. He now enjoys a drama free life of chill game play, great guildies, and unlimited free tacos.
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Raid Progression
Raid Progression
Liberation of Undermine Ā | Progress | Boss Kills |
Normal | 3/8Ā N | 3 |