Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago

About mLx

<mLx> got together to earn achievements, but in doing so forgot the greatest achievement of all: updating their Raider.IO profile page.

Quick Look

Guild Master:

Officers: Ahgu, Ainju, Alogs, Altalae, Alyrieth, Asarion, Baesedor, Bagnioma, Balze, Bannyl, Belrian, Bigmurray, Binthaa, Bloodmysta, Bokuhkueh, Caradwen, Chamalofou, Chana, Claessens, Confessetout, Couteausuiss, Crocomou, Daerio, Dagrath, Dagye, Drafal, Dragial, Dragil, Dragium, Dragium, Drainal, Dregbad, Drizax, Droozix, Durneacno, Egildan, Egurnoth, Elefial, Elego, Elmollam, Elsaprout, Encho, Enmodefufu, Erewegoagain, Erisder, Farjyre, Felecia, Foudrelol, Frate, Frostphy, Fufus, Gahaegel, Garemar, Garmund, Gexa, Ghel, Ghol, Ghorod, Ghul, Gibello, Gogmarray, Gravewarden, Halcyone, Halocestmoi, Halric, Hetototem, Hurya, Idridia, Impocekalip, Indyal, Ingraham, Ironmlx, Jaereron, Jealz, Jeongi, Joyann, Jungwon, Keila, Keymaris, Kisla, Klerash, Krornh, Kurvwa, Kyrogma, Lietart, Lightfdkmlx, Lillafeys, Loche, Logiarian, Loprince, Lotye, Léanne, Magdkmlx, Mahallus, Maiya, Mdrood, Meelnin, Melaeth, Melmar, Menelsar, Meuhdkb, Meuhlow, Meuhouesh, Meyliara, Meylirie, Miakdoom, Mirial, Mirianne, Mlx, Mlx, Mlxa, Mlxadrood, Mlxadrood, Mlxadrood, Mlxadrood, Mlxallidhsix, Mlxdk, Mlxdkb, Mlxdkc, Mlxdrood, Mlxdrood, Mlxdrood, Mlxdrood, Mlxmonk, Mlxvulpiwar, Mmd, Mmlliixx, Moley, Molox, Molye, Muina, Méanne, Nahashen, Naxske, Nguganto, Nightlow, Nilaesa, Nukpana, Nydleass, Ohne, Olde, Oldze, Orsola, Osgula, Paelz, Palinska, Palinsku, Palinskya, Pandoo, Pestea, Phaerafel, Piegeadindon, Qexa, Qezan, Qivaris, Reylan, Ridk, Rirmiy, Rokuhr, Rosegrethe, Rungtha, Ryrturuth, Réanne, Saeavain, Saraan, Seiichi, Shaellorn, Shakije, Sharea, Shedris, Shockapik, Shyanne, Sillitto, Slapmeagain, Stefia, Stefya, Sumi, Sydnie, Telumein, Thenaland, Thorzabu, Threserillër, Tixea, Tixea, Toblas, Toblis, Tpal, Tralno, Traraa, Trufiu, Tryxial, Tweshi, Türqakula, Undaas, Utuzabu, Vahaelar, Valedemo, Vardolaf, Vdrag, Veudha, Vilara, Vixea, Vixea, Vixeal, Vixean, Vixiane, Vixianne, Vixya, Vonmun, Vulpino, Vumkal, Walladazzle, Wdrag, Wiba, Wuxai, Xandolark, Yaslian, Yexa, Ygliss, Yinynore, Yovanofski, Zabumago, Zandadk, Zandadrood, Zandapalmlx, Zermeros, Zeroscrupule, Zexa, Zéanne

About mLx

<mLx> got together to earn achievements, but in doing so forgot the greatest achievement of all: updating their Raider.IO profile page.

Quick Look

Guild Master:

Officers: Ahgu, Ainju, Alogs, Altalae, Alyrieth, Asarion, Baesedor, Bagnioma, Balze, Bannyl, Belrian, Bigmurray, Binthaa, Bloodmysta, Bokuhkueh, Caradwen, Chamalofou, Chana, Claessens, Confessetout, Couteausuiss, Crocomou, Daerio, Dagrath, Dagye, Drafal, Dragial, Dragil, Dragium, Dragium, Drainal, Dregbad, Drizax, Droozix, Durneacno, Egildan, Egurnoth, Elefial, Elego, Elmollam, Elsaprout, Encho, Enmodefufu, Erewegoagain, Erisder, Farjyre, Felecia, Foudrelol, Frate, Frostphy, Fufus, Gahaegel, Garemar, Garmund, Gexa, Ghel, Ghol, Ghorod, Ghul, Gibello, Gogmarray, Gravewarden, Halcyone, Halocestmoi, Halric, Hetototem, Hurya, Idridia, Impocekalip, Indyal, Ingraham, Ironmlx, Jaereron, Jealz, Jeongi, Joyann, Jungwon, Keila, Keymaris, Kisla, Klerash, Krornh, Kurvwa, Kyrogma, Lietart, Lightfdkmlx, Lillafeys, Loche, Logiarian, Loprince, Lotye, Léanne, Magdkmlx, Mahallus, Maiya, Mdrood, Meelnin, Melaeth, Melmar, Menelsar, Meuhdkb, Meuhlow, Meuhouesh, Meyliara, Meylirie, Miakdoom, Mirial, Mirianne, Mlx, Mlx, Mlxa, Mlxadrood, Mlxadrood, Mlxadrood, Mlxadrood, Mlxallidhsix, Mlxdk, Mlxdkb, Mlxdkc, Mlxdrood, Mlxdrood, Mlxdrood, Mlxdrood, Mlxmonk, Mlxvulpiwar, Mmd, Mmlliixx, Moley, Molox, Molye, Muina, Méanne, Nahashen, Naxske, Nguganto, Nightlow, Nilaesa, Nukpana, Nydleass, Ohne, Olde, Oldze, Orsola, Osgula, Paelz, Palinska, Palinsku, Palinskya, Pandoo, Pestea, Phaerafel, Piegeadindon, Qexa, Qezan, Qivaris, Reylan, Ridk, Rirmiy, Rokuhr, Rosegrethe, Rungtha, Ryrturuth, Réanne, Saeavain, Saraan, Seiichi, Shaellorn, Shakije, Sharea, Shedris, Shockapik, Shyanne, Sillitto, Slapmeagain, Stefia, Stefya, Sumi, Sydnie, Telumein, Thenaland, Thorzabu, Threserillër, Tixea, Tixea, Toblas, Toblis, Tpal, Tralno, Traraa, Trufiu, Tryxial, Tweshi, Türqakula, Undaas, Utuzabu, Vahaelar, Valedemo, Vardolaf, Vdrag, Veudha, Vilara, Vixea, Vixea, Vixeal, Vixean, Vixiane, Vixianne, Vixya, Vonmun, Vulpino, Vumkal, Walladazzle, Wdrag, Wiba, Wuxai, Xandolark, Yaslian, Yexa, Ygliss, Yinynore, Yovanofski, Zabumago, Zandadk, Zandadrood, Zandapalmlx, Zermeros, Zeroscrupule, Zexa, Zéanne

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 511
GroupID 671457
GuildID 707794

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago