
4/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
3/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 4 days ago

About Invasion

Invasion is a guild that has existed since 2016 at the start of Hellfire Citadel. We have taken breaks here and there, but for the most part consistently raided the entire time on Argent Dawn.

We are currently looking for DPS of all classes/specs. Prioritising ranged DPS, but not exclusively. A more concise list to follow. During season 4 we will look to take a nice roll up towards War Within and make use of the Awakened Raids to let people get comfortable as a part of a team so we can hit War Within strong.

Our list of desired classes is;

Warlock - Any spec Rogue - Any spec Demon Hunter DPS Druid Balance or feral (prefer balance, but welcome feral) Shaman Elemental or Enhance (prefer Enhance on this for Windfury, but welcome Ele) Evoker - Aug or Dev

Any other DPS not listed above are welcome to apply though, and will be considered.

Our raiding schedule is Tuesday/Thursday 22:00 to 00:00 server time. We have a small raid commitment time of four hours a week, so we appreciate anyone who puts in extra time for Mythic plus runs, but don't expect it. We are primarily a raiding guild after all.

Feel free to send an application via or contact me on Discord Ashj#6885 or Bnet Ashj#2448

Last updated 47 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Ashj

Officers: Rylgris, Stackemhigh

About Invasion

Invasion is a guild that has existed since 2016 at the start of Hellfire Citadel. We have taken breaks here and there, but for the most part consistently raided the entire time on Argent Dawn.

We are currently looking for DPS of all classes/specs. Prioritising ranged DPS, but not exclusively. A more concise list to follow. During season 4 we will look to take a nice roll up towards War Within and make use of the Awakened Raids to let people get comfortable as a part of a team so we can hit War Within strong.

Our list of desired classes is;

Warlock - Any spec Rogue - Any spec Demon Hunter DPS Druid Balance or feral (prefer balance, but welcome feral) Shaman Elemental or Enhance (prefer Enhance on this for Windfury, but welcome Ele) Evoker - Aug or Dev

Any other DPS not listed above are welcome to apply though, and will be considered.

Our raiding schedule is Tuesday/Thursday 22:00 to 00:00 server time. We have a small raid commitment time of four hours a week, so we appreciate anyone who puts in extra time for Mythic plus runs, but don't expect it. We are primarily a raiding guild after all.

Feel free to send an application via or contact me on Discord Ashj#6885 or Bnet Ashj#2448

Last updated 47 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Ashj

Officers: Rylgris, Stackemhigh

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic4/8 H7,0823,61284
Normal8/8 N2,2601,42819
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic3/8 M5,7533,23746
Heroic8/8 H5,1612,90757
Normal8/8 N9,3535,008133
RealmID 513
GroupID 302037
GuildID 47499

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 4 days ago