Last scanned 2 days ago
About Obitus |
Raid plan
Right now our focus is building up the guild and raid team for season 2 of TWW and forward. Our goal is to clear heroic fast into a season to then proceed into mythic progression and heroic reclears for gear. We do not necessarily aim for CE, but want to push ourselves as far as we can as our roster contains highly driven players. We will also host social raids and events where anyone is welcome! We are currently looking for all classes and roles! ABOUT US
We are a newly formed Guild that have a goal of doing end game content. If you wanna join for the mythic + or intressted in raiding we got a spot for you!. What we offer
> * Active players outside of raid (M+, Transmog runs and other games.)
> * Motivated players to push endgame content.
> * Help members improve in Raiding or mythic+
> * A Lootcouncil, that guarantees fair and raid-oriented loot distribution
Most of our founding members have good experience in mythic raiding
> * Aberrus 5/9 M
> * Amirdrassil 6/9 M
> * Nerub-ar Palace 4/8 M
If you had interest in being part of this guild From an early start, feel free to contact any of the officers.
In game
> * Copyum - Argent Dawn
> * Dalhis - Argent Dawn
or simply add on discord> coopy1 Last updated 13 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Ellinue |
About Obitus |
Raid plan
Right now our focus is building up the guild and raid team for season 2 of TWW and forward. Our goal is to clear heroic fast into a season to then proceed into mythic progression and heroic reclears for gear. We do not necessarily aim for CE, but want to push ourselves as far as we can as our roster contains highly driven players. We will also host social raids and events where anyone is welcome! We are currently looking for all classes and roles! ABOUT US
We are a newly formed Guild that have a goal of doing end game content. If you wanna join for the mythic + or intressted in raiding we got a spot for you!. What we offer
> * Active players outside of raid (M+, Transmog runs and other games.)
> * Motivated players to push endgame content.
> * Help members improve in Raiding or mythic+
> * A Lootcouncil, that guarantees fair and raid-oriented loot distribution
Most of our founding members have good experience in mythic raiding
> * Aberrus 5/9 M
> * Amirdrassil 6/9 M
> * Nerub-ar Palace 4/8 M
If you had interest in being part of this guild From an early start, feel free to contact any of the officers.
In game
> * Copyum - Argent Dawn
> * Dalhis - Argent Dawn
or simply add on discord> coopy1 Last updated 13 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?