
5/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
8/8 N
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago

About Tungsten

This is Tungsten, and we are a community guild, let us explain what we mean, but first, read our origin story! :)\_wow\_really\_is\_and\_how\_someone\_made\_my\_day/

So our goal is pretty simple, we want to show everyone the power in the community wow has, in our group we can accomplish anything! :D

Together in our little (ok, pretty big at this point) community we do all kinds of stuff together, we farm collectibles (mounts, pets, toys etc), achievements, gold and all that good stuff. We also spam m+ and just chill in Discord, and there will always be a random event to look forward to! Those random events can be anything from trivia nights to transmog competitions or hide-and-seek, if you have a fun idea for an event go ahead and make it! Only your imagination decides what is possible or not!

Raid times:Wednesday & Sundays 19:00-22:00. M+: All the time! :)

Last updated 62 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Damocles

Officers: Bikee, Forktimer, Geond, Kuckoo, Penkee, Smallmoose, Thunderkeg, Wn

About Tungsten

This is Tungsten, and we are a community guild, let us explain what we mean, but first, read our origin story! :)\_wow\_really\_is\_and\_how\_someone\_made\_my\_day/

So our goal is pretty simple, we want to show everyone the power in the community wow has, in our group we can accomplish anything! :D

Together in our little (ok, pretty big at this point) community we do all kinds of stuff together, we farm collectibles (mounts, pets, toys etc), achievements, gold and all that good stuff. We also spam m+ and just chill in Discord, and there will always be a random event to look forward to! Those random events can be anything from trivia nights to transmog competitions or hide-and-seek, if you have a fun idea for an event go ahead and make it! Only your imagination decides what is possible or not!

Raid times:Wednesday & Sundays 19:00-22:00. M+: All the time! :)

Last updated 62 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Damocles

Officers: Bikee, Forktimer, Geond, Kuckoo, Penkee, Smallmoose, Thunderkeg, Wn

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic5/8 H18,5569,111236
Normal8/8 N6,8283,29373
RealmID 513
GroupID 521960
GuildID 62586

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago