Last scanned 5 days ago
About Exiled |
Exiled's mythic raid team is currently open for exceptional additions to our roster. We have set a goal for the TWW: Get back to our peak: 1500 World Rank (Cutting Edge). If you are interested in joining us for the journey there, reach out to any of our officers. Exiled is a guild for the players and the community. You will see plenty guilds out there boasting better progression or a great atmosphere. Well, we're not the same. If you are looking for something different from the same old, you should try Exiled. We're a guild that puts enjoyment and players first rather than evolving around a small tightly-knit group, Exiled is a community that makes space for new players. Whether you need somewhere to chill with a heroic raid or want to enjoy mythic raiding, we have that and much more. History Exiled is a long-standing guild that was formed on the Azuremyst EU server back in Wrath of the Lich King and has existed in various guises since, catering to the desires of its players. Some of our raiders have been raiding together since Cataclysm, while other much newer additions have also found a great home here and* we are always open to new additions. Not just for raiding, but as a part of our community.* Raid team & schedule Mythic Team - The team's goal is to have a blast while challenging ourselves with the toughest content the game has to throw at us. We recently had some big changes in the team and roster and are aiming to show our new strength in S4 and the next expansion. Care to join us as we steer towards a hopeful future of great progression? Raids: Wednesday & Sunday 20:00 – 23:00 (server time). Raid Team Recruiting: All DPS. Contact through bnet: Feroz#2517 (discord: feroz_) or Conny#2770 & Vygris#2726 Heroic Team - The team has a diverse roster of players who are looking to have a great time and that is exactly what they do every raid. The team is often joined by players of the mythic team (when possible), as a fun and relaxing evening is always guaranteed. Raids: Thursdays & Sundays 20:30-23:00 Recruitment: We're always open for the right fit. Current progression Awakened Amidrassil: : 4/9 Mythic, Council - World Rank 1476 Awakened Aberrus: 4/9 Mythic, Experiments - World Rank 1154 Awakened Vault: 5/8 Mythic, Kurog - World Rank 726
Previous accomplishments Mists of Pandaria: T14: 6/16 HC T15: 9/13 HC T16: 13/14 HC
Warlords of Draenor: Highmaul: 7/7 Mythic Blackrock Foundry: 10/10 Mythic Hellfire Citadel: 10/13 Mythic
Legion Mythic Xavius: World rank 1229 Mythic Helya: World Rank 1650 Mythic Gul'dan: World Rank 1357 Tomb of Sargeras: 7/9 Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne: 10/11 Mythic
Battle for Azeroth Uldir: 7/8 Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor: 6/9 Mythic Crucible of Storms: 2/2 Heroic The Eternal Palace: 4/8 Mythic Ny'alotha: 10/12 Mythic
Shadowlands Castle Nathria: 6/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination: 3/10 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones: 11/11 Heroic
Dragonflight Vault of the Incarnates: 6/8 Mythic, 8/8 Heroic, 8/8 Normal Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible 7/9 Mythic, 9/9 Heroic, 9/9 Normal Amirdrassil 7/9 Mythic, 9/9 Heroic, 9/9 Normal Last updated 22 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Gerrardnoone Officers: Alexcurran, Arlayna, Ateist, Azealz, Daeey, Destructon, Divinegerra, Epaxiel, Faeblinks, Faereen, Faerion, Fareon, Feroz, Gerpandard, Gerrardeight, Gerrards, Gerrardtime, Jaerle, Josereina, Kaelar, Kaellyr, Kaelor, Kaelyr, Kevinone, Kngmâgì, Konate, Kopger, Kraytosz, Lâdyg, Magicâlf, Mosavoke, Nalandrachar, Robinone, Salah, Sepharov, Strulus, Trentaa, Virgil, Vraskarr, Vyg, Vygris, Vygrîs, Ynwa |
About Exiled |
Exiled's mythic raid team is currently open for exceptional additions to our roster. We have set a goal for the TWW: Get back to our peak: 1500 World Rank (Cutting Edge). If you are interested in joining us for the journey there, reach out to any of our officers. Exiled is a guild for the players and the community. You will see plenty guilds out there boasting better progression or a great atmosphere. Well, we're not the same. If you are looking for something different from the same old, you should try Exiled. We're a guild that puts enjoyment and players first rather than evolving around a small tightly-knit group, Exiled is a community that makes space for new players. Whether you need somewhere to chill with a heroic raid or want to enjoy mythic raiding, we have that and much more. History Exiled is a long-standing guild that was formed on the Azuremyst EU server back in Wrath of the Lich King and has existed in various guises since, catering to the desires of its players. Some of our raiders have been raiding together since Cataclysm, while other much newer additions have also found a great home here and* we are always open to new additions. Not just for raiding, but as a part of our community.* Raid team & schedule Mythic Team - The team's goal is to have a blast while challenging ourselves with the toughest content the game has to throw at us. We recently had some big changes in the team and roster and are aiming to show our new strength in S4 and the next expansion. Care to join us as we steer towards a hopeful future of great progression? Raids: Wednesday & Sunday 20:00 – 23:00 (server time). Raid Team Recruiting: All DPS. Contact through bnet: Feroz#2517 (discord: feroz_) or Conny#2770 & Vygris#2726 Heroic Team - The team has a diverse roster of players who are looking to have a great time and that is exactly what they do every raid. The team is often joined by players of the mythic team (when possible), as a fun and relaxing evening is always guaranteed. Raids: Thursdays & Sundays 20:30-23:00 Recruitment: We're always open for the right fit. Current progression Awakened Amidrassil: : 4/9 Mythic, Council - World Rank 1476 Awakened Aberrus: 4/9 Mythic, Experiments - World Rank 1154 Awakened Vault: 5/8 Mythic, Kurog - World Rank 726
Previous accomplishments Mists of Pandaria: T14: 6/16 HC T15: 9/13 HC T16: 13/14 HC
Warlords of Draenor: Highmaul: 7/7 Mythic Blackrock Foundry: 10/10 Mythic Hellfire Citadel: 10/13 Mythic
Legion Mythic Xavius: World rank 1229 Mythic Helya: World Rank 1650 Mythic Gul'dan: World Rank 1357 Tomb of Sargeras: 7/9 Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne: 10/11 Mythic
Battle for Azeroth Uldir: 7/8 Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor: 6/9 Mythic Crucible of Storms: 2/2 Heroic The Eternal Palace: 4/8 Mythic Ny'alotha: 10/12 Mythic
Shadowlands Castle Nathria: 6/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination: 3/10 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones: 11/11 Heroic
Dragonflight Vault of the Incarnates: 6/8 Mythic, 8/8 Heroic, 8/8 Normal Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible 7/9 Mythic, 9/9 Heroic, 9/9 Normal Amirdrassil 7/9 Mythic, 9/9 Heroic, 9/9 Normal Last updated 22 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Gerrardnoone Officers: Alexcurran, Arlayna, Ateist, Azealz, Daeey, Destructon, Divinegerra, Epaxiel, Faeblinks, Faereen, Faerion, Fareon, Feroz, Gerpandard, Gerrardeight, Gerrards, Gerrardtime, Jaerle, Josereina, Kaelar, Kaellyr, Kaelor, Kaelyr, Kevinone, Kngmâgì, Konate, Kopger, Kraytosz, Lâdyg, Magicâlf, Mosavoke, Nalandrachar, Robinone, Salah, Sepharov, Strulus, Trentaa, Virgil, Vraskarr, Vyg, Vygris, Vygrîs, Ynwa |