Last scanned 3 weeks ago
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Merenji Officers: Arleana, Aurithel, Blackwish, Blitzlord, Brewswáyne, Bumsbertl, Darragh, Deseroth, Ellune, Elorrus, Erisara, Eyrnae, Giah, Heatley, Jeori, Kerotan, Kezarra, Láyrána, Maluhkaz, Mullat, Nioble, Nurrix, Papstoasch, Píerce, Rawhel, Rycia, Rymp, Ryrie, Rév, Rýmc, Stormrush, Sydrine, Tapios, Teyrrok, Theodon, Trakora, Tèssa, Térras, Vahos, Vireah, Zerraia, Zoshan, Ängemon |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Merenji Officers: Arleana, Aurithel, Blackwish, Blitzlord, Brewswáyne, Bumsbertl, Darragh, Deseroth, Ellune, Elorrus, Erisara, Eyrnae, Giah, Heatley, Jeori, Kerotan, Kezarra, Láyrána, Maluhkaz, Mullat, Nioble, Nurrix, Papstoasch, Píerce, Rawhel, Rycia, Rymp, Ryrie, Rév, Rýmc, Stormrush, Sydrine, Tapios, Teyrrok, Theodon, Trakora, Tèssa, Térras, Vahos, Vireah, Zerraia, Zoshan, Ängemon |
Raid Progression
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