
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 8 hours ago

About Inanimate

Inanimate is a recently formed guild that is being improved day by day, with the core values being placed on people having fun with the game, building an active small community with quality people being the main focus and a community without drama/toxicity and being able to have a laugh aka banter. Which if you are a sensitive snowflake this is not the place for you.

We are open to both Horde and Alliance and are crossfaction. We don't judge except if you're a gnome, vulpera...

We have plans of raiding at some point when the guild is more established and built and we have enough interested and adequately geared members of doing so. We also will be doing M+ alot, and hosting other cool in game guild events such as the following:

  • Mount/Glory of the "insert raid name here" raider for mounts.

  • Transmog runs for older raid transmogs.

  • Messing around in PVP for lols.

  • Fashion contests where the best dressed gets cool rewards.

As well as other stuff down the line, the guild is small and will be small as I want the community in it to be focused on quality over quantity and with AOTC we will have a smaller raid team of around 10/15 people to keep that theme going!

Inanimate is actively recruiting all specs and classes, play what you enjoy as it's your sub and your money you want to get the most enjoyment out of it. However we have a need for 2 tanks, 3 healers atm and more dps.

If you have any questions or are interested please e a friend request on either on one of the following methods below to our recruitment officer KV.

Discord: kalzitone

Btag: CalzoneKV#2311

Last updated 2 days ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Vile

Officers: Nordrasin, Pengus

About Inanimate

Inanimate is a recently formed guild that is being improved day by day, with the core values being placed on people having fun with the game, building an active small community with quality people being the main focus and a community without drama/toxicity and being able to have a laugh aka banter. Which if you are a sensitive snowflake this is not the place for you.

We are open to both Horde and Alliance and are crossfaction. We don't judge except if you're a gnome, vulpera...

We have plans of raiding at some point when the guild is more established and built and we have enough interested and adequately geared members of doing so. We also will be doing M+ alot, and hosting other cool in game guild events such as the following:

  • Mount/Glory of the "insert raid name here" raider for mounts.

  • Transmog runs for older raid transmogs.

  • Messing around in PVP for lols.

  • Fashion contests where the best dressed gets cool rewards.

As well as other stuff down the line, the guild is small and will be small as I want the community in it to be focused on quality over quantity and with AOTC we will have a smaller raid team of around 10/15 people to keep that theme going!

Inanimate is actively recruiting all specs and classes, play what you enjoy as it's your sub and your money you want to get the most enjoyment out of it. However we have a need for 2 tanks, 3 healers atm and more dps.

If you have any questions or are interested please e a friend request on either on one of the following methods below to our recruitment officer KV.

Discord: kalzitone

Btag: CalzoneKV#2311

Last updated 2 days ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Vile

Officers: Nordrasin, Pengus

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID: 533
GroupID: 2062838
GuildID: 2054191

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 8 hours ago