1/8 M
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 3rd Raid Week)
6/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 days ago

About Reign

Reign is a guild located on the merged EU realms of Bloodfeather/Burning Steppes/Executus/Kor’gall/Shattered Hand.

We are a bunch of relaxed people who enjoy playing the game in a laid back and fun environment. Most of us are adults in our 20’s and early 30’s who grew up playing World of Warcraft. While some of our players have previously enjoyed the game at the “hardcore” level, today most of us prefer a more semi-hardcore approach to WoW that fits better with our otherwise busy lives (careers, families, studies, etc.) This is why we are building up a bigger pool of players so we don't miss out of Mythic raid nights.

Over-signups do happen, we handle this based of performance and then rotation.

What we offer:

  • A tight knit, friendly and helpful community
  • Two three hour raid nights schedule that fits with a busy real life (Sunday and Thursdays, starting at 19:00)
  • Mythic+ players of varying levels.
  • Raiding with a push into Mythic.

Who we are looking for:

  • You are a lighthearted person who enjoys playing WoW.
  • You are sociable in-game and like to join in with the guild community

As a raider you are all of the above, and:

  • You are able to attend our raids on a regular basis on Thursday and Sunday from 19.00 to 22.00 server time
  • You are willing to listen on voice communication (using a microphone would be ideal, but not mandatory)
  • You are willing to adhere to the strategies laid out by the raid leader
  • You aren’t afraid of failure, but instead take it as an opportunity to adapt and improve

Guild Communication

Daily communication happens both through Discord as well as the in-game guild chat. All major guild announcements will also be announced through our Discord channel. This means that a Discord user is required to be a part of Reign.

Want to join?

Preferably you can poke Domanax on discord or one of the officers (all on Shattered Hand) in-game for more information:

  • Volzy
  • Domanax (Discord: domanax)
  • Staga

Last updated 56 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Volzy

Officers: Domanax, Nasaug, Stagafists, Thornq

About Reign

Reign is a guild located on the merged EU realms of Bloodfeather/Burning Steppes/Executus/Kor’gall/Shattered Hand.

We are a bunch of relaxed people who enjoy playing the game in a laid back and fun environment. Most of us are adults in our 20’s and early 30’s who grew up playing World of Warcraft. While some of our players have previously enjoyed the game at the “hardcore” level, today most of us prefer a more semi-hardcore approach to WoW that fits better with our otherwise busy lives (careers, families, studies, etc.) This is why we are building up a bigger pool of players so we don't miss out of Mythic raid nights.

Over-signups do happen, we handle this based of performance and then rotation.

What we offer:

  • A tight knit, friendly and helpful community
  • Two three hour raid nights schedule that fits with a busy real life (Sunday and Thursdays, starting at 19:00)
  • Mythic+ players of varying levels.
  • Raiding with a push into Mythic.

Who we are looking for:

  • You are a lighthearted person who enjoys playing WoW.
  • You are sociable in-game and like to join in with the guild community

As a raider you are all of the above, and:

  • You are able to attend our raids on a regular basis on Thursday and Sunday from 19.00 to 22.00 server time
  • You are willing to listen on voice communication (using a microphone would be ideal, but not mandatory)
  • You are willing to adhere to the strategies laid out by the raid leader
  • You aren’t afraid of failure, but instead take it as an opportunity to adapt and improve

Guild Communication

Daily communication happens both through Discord as well as the in-game guild chat. All major guild announcements will also be announced through our Discord channel. This means that a Discord user is required to be a part of Reign.

Want to join?

Preferably you can poke Domanax on discord or one of the officers (all on Shattered Hand) in-game for more information:

  • Volzy
  • Domanax (Discord: domanax)
  • Staga

Last updated 56 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Volzy

Officers: Domanax, Nasaug, Stagafists, Thornq

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Mythic1/8 M1,8221,0457
Heroic8/8 H1,8481,0259
Normal8/8 N3,5391,77613
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic6/8 M2,2441,2799
Heroic8/8 H3,6542,06613
Normal8/8 N3,0731,64812
Blackrock Depths
Heroic6/8 H1,9971,1309
RealmID 542
GroupID 530737
GuildID 70568

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 days ago