Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 6 days ago

About Faxe

Looking for Any Role for 9.1!

<Faxe> is a 2 day Mythic raiding guild on Sunstrider that is first and foremost a great community of friends. We are a very active and sociable group of avid gamers that spend an unreasonable amount of time in discord.

Who is Faxe?

Formed during BFA pre-patch, we are a multinational collection of mid-20s nerds who really enjoy World of Warcraft. We're looking for likeminded sociable, dedicated and skilled players who want to find a long term home.

Our main raiding objective is to achieve cutting edge as quickly as we can without sacrificing our guild values.

Whilst we are a noisy bunch, maintaining the integrity of our community is our main priority above any raiding goals we have. We have no place for selfish, toxic or entitled players in our team. Our community is what makes us who we are.

What do we expect of you?

++Performance++ - We want everyone playing at the minimum bar we set.

++Effort++ - Keeping your character competitive is key to a raid spot.

++Attendance++ - We expect you to be able to hold at least a 85% attendance over a whole raiding tier (inc farm).

++Learning Mindset++- We are human, we all make mistakes but we expect our team to self-analyse and improve.

++Communication++ - Willingness to speak on voice in and outside of raids is an absolute minimum.

++Activity++ - Raid logging is simply not enough for this guild, we expect you to make an effort to integrate.

Our achievements

  • Battle For Azeroth
  • T26 World #614: N'zoth
  • T25 World #759: Eternal Palace
  • T23 World #1488: Battle of Dazar'alor
  • T22 6/8M: Uldir (Formed)

Raid Days

We are currently on a break from progress raiding and working on rebuilding for 9.1.

During BFA we raided two days a week and we will keep that schedule in Shadowlands.

Wed 19.45 - 23:00

Sun 19.45 - 23:00

Invites are always at 19:30 and we expect everyone in the raid and on discord by 19:45. We always have a 10m break half way through the raid.

Our Logs:

If you are interested, apply on this link: and if we like your application, we will invite you for a discord chat. If you have any questions, you can also reach out to either:

Bnet: Regi#21914 - Guild Master Bnet: Kauko#21773 - Officer

Last updated 202 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Alardekay

Officers: Ayylmao, Exvelony, Gang, Kauko, Pallyzed, Regidk, Regirogue, Yama, Zangerra

About Faxe

Looking for Any Role for 9.1!

<Faxe> is a 2 day Mythic raiding guild on Sunstrider that is first and foremost a great community of friends. We are a very active and sociable group of avid gamers that spend an unreasonable amount of time in discord.

Who is Faxe?

Formed during BFA pre-patch, we are a multinational collection of mid-20s nerds who really enjoy World of Warcraft. We're looking for likeminded sociable, dedicated and skilled players who want to find a long term home.

Our main raiding objective is to achieve cutting edge as quickly as we can without sacrificing our guild values.

Whilst we are a noisy bunch, maintaining the integrity of our community is our main priority above any raiding goals we have. We have no place for selfish, toxic or entitled players in our team. Our community is what makes us who we are.

What do we expect of you?

++Performance++ - We want everyone playing at the minimum bar we set.

++Effort++ - Keeping your character competitive is key to a raid spot.

++Attendance++ - We expect you to be able to hold at least a 85% attendance over a whole raiding tier (inc farm).

++Learning Mindset++- We are human, we all make mistakes but we expect our team to self-analyse and improve.

++Communication++ - Willingness to speak on voice in and outside of raids is an absolute minimum.

++Activity++ - Raid logging is simply not enough for this guild, we expect you to make an effort to integrate.

Our achievements

  • Battle For Azeroth
  • T26 World #614: N'zoth
  • T25 World #759: Eternal Palace
  • T23 World #1488: Battle of Dazar'alor
  • T22 6/8M: Uldir (Formed)

Raid Days

We are currently on a break from progress raiding and working on rebuilding for 9.1.

During BFA we raided two days a week and we will keep that schedule in Shadowlands.

Wed 19.45 - 23:00

Sun 19.45 - 23:00

Invites are always at 19:30 and we expect everyone in the raid and on discord by 19:45. We always have a 10m break half way through the raid.

Our Logs:

If you are interested, apply on this link: and if we like your application, we will invite you for a discord chat. If you have any questions, you can also reach out to either:

Bnet: Regi#21914 - Guild Master Bnet: Kauko#21773 - Officer

Last updated 202 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Alardekay

Officers: Ayylmao, Exvelony, Gang, Kauko, Pallyzed, Regidk, Regirogue, Yama, Zangerra

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 547
GroupID 780924
GuildID 815775

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 6 days ago