
3/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 8th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Equilibria

Equilibria is a group of semi-casual raiders aiming at clearing stuff in heroic raids on the current tier in the game. If you identify as someone who likes to focus on raids without being super hardcore, then perhaps you want to join our endeavours? If you do, you can contact one of us in-game and see to where the rabbit hole leads or use the recruitment system here on

We are a mixed group of players where some have been around since vanilla and others jumped on along the way. We're pretty laid back and always interested in including more in our raid team or boost our group of social members. So even though you may not intend to raid with us you are more than welcome to tag along as a social player who perhaps want to join a casual raid on normal difficulty once in a while or run mythic+ dungeons.

  • We currently raid on Monday and Wednesday from 20.00 to 22.30 server time.
  • In raids we expect our raiders to come well prepared (gemmed, enchanted and having pots/flasks/food), be able to take instructions from our raid leaders and to stay focused for a couple of hours while we attempt to kill stuff that give us shiny epics. (Don't worry, there will be time to refresh drinks and take a toilet break. Some of us have reached and age where this is required!)
  • You are not required or expected to attend 100% of raids! We are very well aware that real life matters and that some weeks can be more busy than others.
  • When funds allows for it we will provide our raiders with food and flasks for raiding. But this all depends on how well our guild bank is packing at the time.

Last updated 23 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Dantanian

Officers: Karenika, Rytmepind, Ísma

About Equilibria

Equilibria is a group of semi-casual raiders aiming at clearing stuff in heroic raids on the current tier in the game. If you identify as someone who likes to focus on raids without being super hardcore, then perhaps you want to join our endeavours? If you do, you can contact one of us in-game and see to where the rabbit hole leads or use the recruitment system here on

We are a mixed group of players where some have been around since vanilla and others jumped on along the way. We're pretty laid back and always interested in including more in our raid team or boost our group of social members. So even though you may not intend to raid with us you are more than welcome to tag along as a social player who perhaps want to join a casual raid on normal difficulty once in a while or run mythic+ dungeons.

  • We currently raid on Monday and Wednesday from 20.00 to 22.30 server time.
  • In raids we expect our raiders to come well prepared (gemmed, enchanted and having pots/flasks/food), be able to take instructions from our raid leaders and to stay focused for a couple of hours while we attempt to kill stuff that give us shiny epics. (Don't worry, there will be time to refresh drinks and take a toilet break. Some of us have reached and age where this is required!)
  • You are not required or expected to attend 100% of raids! We are very well aware that real life matters and that some weeks can be more busy than others.
  • When funds allows for it we will provide our raiders with food and flasks for raiding. But this all depends on how well our guild bank is packing at the time.

Last updated 23 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Dantanian

Officers: Karenika, Rytmepind, Ísma

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic3/8 H8,4154,35833
Normal8/8 N1,7919607
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H7,9114,20323
Normal8/8 N8,4804,42024
RealmID 578
GroupID 529898
GuildID 94555

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago