Last scanned 4 days ago
About Cease |
Discord for application : Cease is a 2 day a week raiding guild. Our primary focus is obtaining CE at a reasonable pace whilst optimizing our time spent together every week. We are built on a stable foundation of CE raiders from guilds such as (Server rank 24, Uldir). We emphasize loyalty and reward players who attend frequently and perform well. Raid days are Wednesday and Sunday 20:00 - 23:00 ST. Players will be expected to: Attend 90% of all raids. Any absences will need to be reported to a officer up to 24 hours before to avoid disruption. However, emergencies cannot be accounted for and we understand that. Arrive with all relevant consumables to raids and have a reasonable grasp of tactics. Have a good understanding of class and spec mechanics and be able to execute them to a reasonable standard. Maintain your characters gear quality and complete relevant content to keep your character to a set standard. What we offer in return: Stable raiding environment. Advice on improvements. Consumables for mythic raids (Within reason). BOEs for the most loyal and stable raiders. A community of players who not only play WoW but have other gaming themed nights. We emphasize a relaxed but purposeful raid environment were everyone contributes equally to make a smooth and stress free raid environment. We welcome any player from the once hardcore mythic raider to the newer player who wishes to prove they have potential. We are currently looking for a new raid leader. If you are interested please see the application section. If you are interested please leave a message or contact us on bnet Ellis#21195 - Zander#2558 Last updated 113 weeks ago |
About Cease |
Discord for application : Cease is a 2 day a week raiding guild. Our primary focus is obtaining CE at a reasonable pace whilst optimizing our time spent together every week. We are built on a stable foundation of CE raiders from guilds such as (Server rank 24, Uldir). We emphasize loyalty and reward players who attend frequently and perform well. Raid days are Wednesday and Sunday 20:00 - 23:00 ST. Players will be expected to: Attend 90% of all raids. Any absences will need to be reported to a officer up to 24 hours before to avoid disruption. However, emergencies cannot be accounted for and we understand that. Arrive with all relevant consumables to raids and have a reasonable grasp of tactics. Have a good understanding of class and spec mechanics and be able to execute them to a reasonable standard. Maintain your characters gear quality and complete relevant content to keep your character to a set standard. What we offer in return: Stable raiding environment. Advice on improvements. Consumables for mythic raids (Within reason). BOEs for the most loyal and stable raiders. A community of players who not only play WoW but have other gaming themed nights. We emphasize a relaxed but purposeful raid environment were everyone contributes equally to make a smooth and stress free raid environment. We welcome any player from the once hardcore mythic raider to the newer player who wishes to prove they have potential. We are currently looking for a new raid leader. If you are interested please see the application section. If you are interested please leave a message or contact us on bnet Ellis#21195 - Zander#2558 Last updated 113 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?