
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Disavowed


We are a guild made up from the remnants of a mythic raiding guild that went on a break during Shadowlands, we are back now refreshed and looking for dedicated raiders to bolster our roster for cross faction raiding in Dragonflight with the intention to get back to mythic raiding ASAP, no matter whether you are Horde or Alliance we have both bases covered with our Horde guild established on Dreanor and our Alliance guild established on Silvermoon.

Current Prog: 9/9N 9/9HC

We raid Wed and Sun,(Invites 1945) 2000-2300ST.

We are looking for like minded players who can raid seriously but also have fun while doing so, we do expect above average but will not tolerate toxcicity or elitism in any form.

if this is something you are interested in please get in touch!!

In order to join our guild please fill in an application here:

Or through the recruitment post on here.

We are an international guild with diverse members from all around Europe, as well as some other continents too, Our roster consists of players who's experience is reaching all the way back to vanilla, as well as players who started the game for the first time in Dragonflight but have quickly mastered their chosen classes.

We are social, friendly and willing to help at any given time. Good attitude towards the game as well as towards the other players is rewarded.

We use discord as means of communication in raid and outside raids. For m+ farms, or just as a place where we hang around and spend some quality time with guildies.

Last updated 90 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Rháegar

Officers: Bobzduddu, Ásperix

About Disavowed


We are a guild made up from the remnants of a mythic raiding guild that went on a break during Shadowlands, we are back now refreshed and looking for dedicated raiders to bolster our roster for cross faction raiding in Dragonflight with the intention to get back to mythic raiding ASAP, no matter whether you are Horde or Alliance we have both bases covered with our Horde guild established on Dreanor and our Alliance guild established on Silvermoon.

Current Prog: 9/9N 9/9HC

We raid Wed and Sun,(Invites 1945) 2000-2300ST.

We are looking for like minded players who can raid seriously but also have fun while doing so, we do expect above average but will not tolerate toxcicity or elitism in any form.

if this is something you are interested in please get in touch!!

In order to join our guild please fill in an application here:

Or through the recruitment post on here.

We are an international guild with diverse members from all around Europe, as well as some other continents too, Our roster consists of players who's experience is reaching all the way back to vanilla, as well as players who started the game for the first time in Dragonflight but have quickly mastered their chosen classes.

We are social, friendly and willing to help at any given time. Good attitude towards the game as well as towards the other players is rewarded.

We use discord as means of communication in raid and outside raids. For m+ farms, or just as a place where we hang around and spend some quality time with guildies.

Last updated 90 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Rháegar

Officers: Bobzduddu, Ásperix

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 579
GroupID 1731377
GuildID 1744803

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago