Last scanned 1 week ago
About END |
Hello! We are END, a newly formed guild for Dragonflight made up of a core of raiders with heroic and some mythic experience. We expect to be able to get AoTC every tier and progress as far into mythic as we can, without raiding becoming like a second job. We raid two nights a week, Tuesday and Thursday 20:00 to 23:00 server time, with a possibility of adding a day towards the end of tiers if we feel we can push for more mythic kills. Our trial period has no set timeframe, and our current plan is to make roster decisions based on heroic performance before we move into mythic. Outside of raiding we are in the beginnings of fostering a community of players that are friendly, and up for content outside of raids such as M+ and PvP. If you are interested feel free to join our discord -, create a ticket, and have a chat to see if you'd be interested in trialing. Last updated 115 weeks ago |
About END |
Hello! We are END, a newly formed guild for Dragonflight made up of a core of raiders with heroic and some mythic experience. We expect to be able to get AoTC every tier and progress as far into mythic as we can, without raiding becoming like a second job. We raid two nights a week, Tuesday and Thursday 20:00 to 23:00 server time, with a possibility of adding a day towards the end of tiers if we feel we can push for more mythic kills. Our trial period has no set timeframe, and our current plan is to make roster decisions based on heroic performance before we move into mythic. Outside of raiding we are in the beginnings of fostering a community of players that are friendly, and up for content outside of raids such as M+ and PvP. If you are interested feel free to join our discord -, create a ticket, and have a chat to see if you'd be interested in trialing. Last updated 115 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?