
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago

About Epimetheus

The Titan Community is a gaming community from World of Warcraft set up on 1st July 2022 on our first guild's 8th birthday. We are built around our members, allowing everyone to have fun, find friendship and camaraderie, enjoy the freedom games provide, engage their creative side, experience the thrill of competition, be a part of a large growing community on World of Warcraft Retail.


We are Eos (Alliance) Emerald Dream & Terenas.

We are Kronos (Horde) Emerald Dream & Terenas.

We are Epimetheus (Horde) Draenor.


We are Ambitious: We challenge who we are and possess a desire to be the best.

We are Fun: We are people as well as characters. We recognise the Titan Community is built for our enjoyment, entertainment and for light-hearted pleasure.

We are Open: Our doors are unrestricted for anyone who wishes to be a part of our community. We welcome change and deliver on feedback.

We’re always Learning: We foster self-learning, where everyone makes their own effort to identify their interests, set goals and evaluate their own knowledge

We are Collaborative: We embrace hive mind thinking, working together and supporting those who need a little more time to achieve a common goal.



Last updated 113 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

About Epimetheus

The Titan Community is a gaming community from World of Warcraft set up on 1st July 2022 on our first guild's 8th birthday. We are built around our members, allowing everyone to have fun, find friendship and camaraderie, enjoy the freedom games provide, engage their creative side, experience the thrill of competition, be a part of a large growing community on World of Warcraft Retail.


We are Eos (Alliance) Emerald Dream & Terenas.

We are Kronos (Horde) Emerald Dream & Terenas.

We are Epimetheus (Horde) Draenor.


We are Ambitious: We challenge who we are and possess a desire to be the best.

We are Fun: We are people as well as characters. We recognise the Titan Community is built for our enjoyment, entertainment and for light-hearted pleasure.

We are Open: Our doors are unrestricted for anyone who wishes to be a part of our community. We welcome change and deliver on feedback.

We’re always Learning: We foster self-learning, where everyone makes their own effort to identify their interests, set goals and evaluate their own knowledge

We are Collaborative: We embrace hive mind thinking, working together and supporting those who need a little more time to achieve a common goal.



Last updated 113 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 579
GroupID 1795544
GuildID 1805426

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago