
7/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
8/8 N
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Executed

Hello we at Executed are building a new raid team to clear HC and start mythic progression.

Our goal this tier is to clear heroic and start mythic progression and build a strong core so that next raid tier we can get a good start and push far into mythic progression

We raid Thursday and Sunday 21:00-23:30 st With invites going out at 20:50 so we start pulling on time or before.

We expect everyone to turn up to raids well prepared with flask/food and fully gemmed and enchanted ect and to be on discord (muted is fine)

Main goal is to clear content at a decent pace have a laugh while doing so and make some friends along the way.

We are recruiting priest Healers Any dps

If this sounds good to you either apply on the guild finder tab or add me on discord joHn#3141.

Last updated 17 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Johndots

Officers: Bruutt, Dragondeèz, Windygut

About Executed

Hello we at Executed are building a new raid team to clear HC and start mythic progression.

Our goal this tier is to clear heroic and start mythic progression and build a strong core so that next raid tier we can get a good start and push far into mythic progression

We raid Thursday and Sunday 21:00-23:30 st With invites going out at 20:50 so we start pulling on time or before.

We expect everyone to turn up to raids well prepared with flask/food and fully gemmed and enchanted ect and to be on discord (muted is fine)

Main goal is to clear content at a decent pace have a laugh while doing so and make some friends along the way.

We are recruiting priest Healers Any dps

If this sounds good to you either apply on the guild finder tab or add me on discord joHn#3141.

Last updated 17 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Johndots

Officers: Bruutt, Dragondeèz, Windygut

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic7/8 H15,4997,544443
Normal8/8 N7,3723,833265
RealmID 579
GroupID 1079910
GuildID 1114320

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago