
1/8 M
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 3rd Raid Week)
5/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Radioactive

Hello We are Radioactive

About Us: We are a semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild based on Draenor. Our guild thrives on a fantastic atmosphere where camaraderie and teamwork flourish. We value both progression and a friendly, positive environment. If you’re looking for a place where you can challenge yourself in mythic content while enjoying the company of like-minded players, look no further!

Recruitment: We are actively seeking stable, exceptional mythic raiders to bolster our roster. Our ideal candidates are reliable, friendly, and kind, with a great sense of humor. Whether you’re a seasoned raider or someone looking to step up to mythic difficulty, we welcome you to join our ranks. We raid thursday and monday from 19.00 to 22.00 ST.

Achievements: In the last raid tier, we achieved 7/9 Mythic progression, demonstrating our commitment to excellence. We’re hungry for more success and eager to tackle new challenges.

**What We Offer:

  • A supportive community that values both progression and fun.

  • Organized raid nights with a focus on efficient clears.

  • A dedicated leadership team that listens to its members.

  • Opportunities for mythic+ dungeons, PvP, and social events.**

Join Us: If you’re passionate about raiding, enjoy a positive atmosphere, and want to be part of a team that strives for greatness, reach out to us! Whisper any of our officers in-game or visit our website for more information.

We expect you to have experience with mythic raiding, have a suitable item level and stats, and be able to follow our raid strategies and communication. We offer a fun and social environment, where we help each other improve our game and reach our goals. 😊

Requirements To apply for a spot in our guild, you also need to meet these requirements:

  • -You must be willing to use our raid addons, which are DBM, WeakAuras, Exorsus Raid Tools and RC Loot Council.

  • -You must be loyal, respectful and helpful towards your guildmates, and avoid drama and conflicts.

  • -You must be active, engaged and motivated to improve your game and contribute to the guild’s success. 🏆

  • -You must sign up for raid via discord at least 24 hours before raid start, so we can plan our setup and tactics. This is a requirement for all raiders, whether you are regular or reserve.

  • -You will be on trial for 2-4 weeks, where we look at your game and your attitude.

How to apply

If you meet these requirements, please contact us on our discord: We look forward to hearing from you!

Last updated 24 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Cowace

Officers: Flouraw, Hønsecurse, Thooth

About Radioactive

Hello We are Radioactive

About Us: We are a semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild based on Draenor. Our guild thrives on a fantastic atmosphere where camaraderie and teamwork flourish. We value both progression and a friendly, positive environment. If you’re looking for a place where you can challenge yourself in mythic content while enjoying the company of like-minded players, look no further!

Recruitment: We are actively seeking stable, exceptional mythic raiders to bolster our roster. Our ideal candidates are reliable, friendly, and kind, with a great sense of humor. Whether you’re a seasoned raider or someone looking to step up to mythic difficulty, we welcome you to join our ranks. We raid thursday and monday from 19.00 to 22.00 ST.

Achievements: In the last raid tier, we achieved 7/9 Mythic progression, demonstrating our commitment to excellence. We’re hungry for more success and eager to tackle new challenges.

**What We Offer:

  • A supportive community that values both progression and fun.

  • Organized raid nights with a focus on efficient clears.

  • A dedicated leadership team that listens to its members.

  • Opportunities for mythic+ dungeons, PvP, and social events.**

Join Us: If you’re passionate about raiding, enjoy a positive atmosphere, and want to be part of a team that strives for greatness, reach out to us! Whisper any of our officers in-game or visit our website for more information.

We expect you to have experience with mythic raiding, have a suitable item level and stats, and be able to follow our raid strategies and communication. We offer a fun and social environment, where we help each other improve our game and reach our goals. 😊

Requirements To apply for a spot in our guild, you also need to meet these requirements:

  • -You must be willing to use our raid addons, which are DBM, WeakAuras, Exorsus Raid Tools and RC Loot Council.

  • -You must be loyal, respectful and helpful towards your guildmates, and avoid drama and conflicts.

  • -You must be active, engaged and motivated to improve your game and contribute to the guild’s success. 🏆

  • -You must sign up for raid via discord at least 24 hours before raid start, so we can plan our setup and tactics. This is a requirement for all raiders, whether you are regular or reserve.

  • -You will be on trial for 2-4 weeks, where we look at your game and your attitude.

How to apply

If you meet these requirements, please contact us on our discord: We look forward to hearing from you!

Last updated 24 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Cowace

Officers: Flouraw, Hønsecurse, Thooth

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Mythic1/8 M1,8091,09586
Heroic8/8 H2,0381,16488
Normal8/8 N3,4981,735115
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic5/8 M2,8841,655133
Heroic8/8 H2,1851,25894
Normal8/8 N3,0451,620122
RealmID 579
GroupID 1958398
GuildID 1958674

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago