Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About Omen |
Located at: Emerald Dream (EU PvE Horde) Link to the website: About us: OMEN was created in order to satisfy our desires to explore the endgame content World of Warcraft has to offer, all while having fun in a nice social atmosphere. Ever since the guild was formed about 10+ years ago we have been among the top guilds of the server and a top horde guild. Our guild is made up of members mostly around 20-30 years old who appreciate social qualities such as maturity, tolerance, patience and reason; and we try our best to abide by ideas and principles of fairness, kindness and mutual respect. Though when it all comes down to it we are really just a bunch of relaxed people who enjoy a shared laugh as much as the challenges of raiding. For recruitment status see above; however we may also consider recruiting good players of other classes, so don't hesitate to apply if you think you would fit into our team! Recruitment info and our expectations. We raid 3 nights per week: Wednesday, Sunday and Monday. 19:45 invites, 20:00 raid start, 2300h raid end (all game time).
The Ideal Candidate: If you are interested in learning new encounters and constantly improving then you will fit right in! Our ideal candidate is someone who generally spends a lot of time playing this game: A person who loves playing their class, has ways of working around its weaknesses; a player who appreciates what responsibilities they have, and can understand and meet the expectations others will have of them. You need to enjoy progress raiding and be able to stay focused even after hours of wiping and remain positive in the face of adversity. Currently recruiting as of February 2019: 2-3 DPS, all classes considered. 1 tank, all classes considered. Last updated 316 weeks ago |
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Guild Master: |
About Omen |
Located at: Emerald Dream (EU PvE Horde) Link to the website: About us: OMEN was created in order to satisfy our desires to explore the endgame content World of Warcraft has to offer, all while having fun in a nice social atmosphere. Ever since the guild was formed about 10+ years ago we have been among the top guilds of the server and a top horde guild. Our guild is made up of members mostly around 20-30 years old who appreciate social qualities such as maturity, tolerance, patience and reason; and we try our best to abide by ideas and principles of fairness, kindness and mutual respect. Though when it all comes down to it we are really just a bunch of relaxed people who enjoy a shared laugh as much as the challenges of raiding. For recruitment status see above; however we may also consider recruiting good players of other classes, so don't hesitate to apply if you think you would fit into our team! Recruitment info and our expectations. We raid 3 nights per week: Wednesday, Sunday and Monday. 19:45 invites, 20:00 raid start, 2300h raid end (all game time).
The Ideal Candidate: If you are interested in learning new encounters and constantly improving then you will fit right in! Our ideal candidate is someone who generally spends a lot of time playing this game: A person who loves playing their class, has ways of working around its weaknesses; a player who appreciates what responsibilities they have, and can understand and meet the expectations others will have of them. You need to enjoy progress raiding and be able to stay focused even after hours of wiping and remain positive in the face of adversity. Currently recruiting as of February 2019: 2-3 DPS, all classes considered. 1 tank, all classes considered. Last updated 316 weeks ago |
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Guild Master: |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?