
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago

About Silverblade
  • 5/10 SoD
  • 10/10M (CE) CN
  • 12/12M (CE) NtWC
  • 7/8M EP
  • 9/9M (CE) BOD
  • 8/8M (CE) Uldir
  • 11/11M (CE) AtBT

Server: Frostmane (EU)

Type: Semi-Hardcore Mythic Progress

Aim: To achieve CE for every raid tier in a social and supportive environment.

Mythic Raid Times: Thur/Sun 20:30 - 23:30 server time.

About Us

Silverblade is a 2 day per week mythic raiding guild with the aim of achieving CE in every tier.

A lot of us are very experienced players who have raided at the top end-game level since classic but can no longer make a demanding raid schedule due to IRL commitments.

We are looking for exceptional, like-minded players to join us for Mythic progress raiding, pushing M+ and generally enjoying the game.

While we only raid twice a week we remain dedicated and focused on performing our best. We expect raiders to attend both raid days and come to raids fully equipped (runes, pots, flasks, food).

There are also optional runs on Wednesdays for alts, socials, friends, etc., mythic+ dungeons (including high io groups to push keys), and many other activities, including PvP. The guild contains over a handful of former Gladiators and even some R1's.

We additionally organize IRL guild social events that all members are welcome to attend. The latest meeting was in London UK in summer 19.


We handle all applications through our Silverblade Discord bot which will greet you upon joining.

We're always happy to receive applications. Exceptional people are always considered regardless of what we're looking for in particular. You can also whisper us in-game, and we'll have a chat with you in person.

Contact If you have any questions, please message one of our officers via discord with the following ID’s:

Discord - FurryFrank#1589 - Recruitment Officer BNet - Disruption#21407

Last updated 188 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Enygamy

Officers: Ishayu, Tribeard

About Silverblade
  • 5/10 SoD
  • 10/10M (CE) CN
  • 12/12M (CE) NtWC
  • 7/8M EP
  • 9/9M (CE) BOD
  • 8/8M (CE) Uldir
  • 11/11M (CE) AtBT

Server: Frostmane (EU)

Type: Semi-Hardcore Mythic Progress

Aim: To achieve CE for every raid tier in a social and supportive environment.

Mythic Raid Times: Thur/Sun 20:30 - 23:30 server time.

About Us

Silverblade is a 2 day per week mythic raiding guild with the aim of achieving CE in every tier.

A lot of us are very experienced players who have raided at the top end-game level since classic but can no longer make a demanding raid schedule due to IRL commitments.

We are looking for exceptional, like-minded players to join us for Mythic progress raiding, pushing M+ and generally enjoying the game.

While we only raid twice a week we remain dedicated and focused on performing our best. We expect raiders to attend both raid days and come to raids fully equipped (runes, pots, flasks, food).

There are also optional runs on Wednesdays for alts, socials, friends, etc., mythic+ dungeons (including high io groups to push keys), and many other activities, including PvP. The guild contains over a handful of former Gladiators and even some R1's.

We additionally organize IRL guild social events that all members are welcome to attend. The latest meeting was in London UK in summer 19.


We handle all applications through our Silverblade Discord bot which will greet you upon joining.

We're always happy to receive applications. Exceptional people are always considered regardless of what we're looking for in particular. You can also whisper us in-game, and we'll have a chat with you in person.

Contact If you have any questions, please message one of our officers via discord with the following ID’s:

Discord - FurryFrank#1589 - Recruitment Officer BNet - Disruption#21407

Last updated 188 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Enygamy

Officers: Ishayu, Tribeard

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 603
GroupID 1361
GuildID 44837

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 weeks ago