
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago

About Bulwark



Who are we? We are a 6 year old guild that have been raiding together on and off since the middle of MoP, where we raided normal ToT,SoO and had a blast doing so. In WoD we cleared full BrF hc and started progressing through mythic Highmaul. After we got a taste for mythic, off course we decided we wanted to have more. We got further into mythic raiding at the start of Legion, where we got 4/7m EN down. In ToV we got 3/3hc. We strived for 10/10m in Nighthold when it got released, but obstacles such as a low pop realm stopped us from progressing into mythic, and so we had to settle for 10/10hc. In Tomb of Sargeras we managed to get 5/9m and are currently progressing in antorus with 2/11M.


Our raid times are between 20pm-23pm server time on thursday and sunday, and we expect our raiders to show up around 10-15 minutes earlier prepared with consumables and tactical knowledge. If we get close to a progress kill and raidtime is nearly over we expect people to be able to stay for another 30 minutes, so we can secure the kill.


What we are looking for in a player: We want dedicated players with advanced knowledge of their class and spec, as well as the current raid content. We expect applicants to have at least ilvl 945 together with 75 traits or more.


What we expect of you as a raider: We expect you to clear at least a lootcap m+ each week. We expect you to keep up to date on your class and all types of PvE changes and being able to adapt to those changes.


So, why should you join Bulwark? We offer our members the opportunity to progress far into all kinds of PvE content, while still maintaining a friendly and social environment where everyone feels welcome. If you're a dedicated player and you seek a semi hardcore raiding guild with a constantly growing PvE community, then Bulwark is the guild for you.


In case you have any further questions about the guild, please contact: Elebie - Kazzak (Rasmus#2563) Sheinah - Kazzak (Hantra#21320) Garofka - Kazzak (Funk#2213) Sunflurry - Kazzak (Enehasd#2790)


The leadership of Bulwark will process your application and get back to you as soon as possible.


Send your application via e-mail to:

Last updated 365 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Worleex

Officers: Athariell, Sheinah

About Bulwark



Who are we? We are a 6 year old guild that have been raiding together on and off since the middle of MoP, where we raided normal ToT,SoO and had a blast doing so. In WoD we cleared full BrF hc and started progressing through mythic Highmaul. After we got a taste for mythic, off course we decided we wanted to have more. We got further into mythic raiding at the start of Legion, where we got 4/7m EN down. In ToV we got 3/3hc. We strived for 10/10m in Nighthold when it got released, but obstacles such as a low pop realm stopped us from progressing into mythic, and so we had to settle for 10/10hc. In Tomb of Sargeras we managed to get 5/9m and are currently progressing in antorus with 2/11M.


Our raid times are between 20pm-23pm server time on thursday and sunday, and we expect our raiders to show up around 10-15 minutes earlier prepared with consumables and tactical knowledge. If we get close to a progress kill and raidtime is nearly over we expect people to be able to stay for another 30 minutes, so we can secure the kill.


What we are looking for in a player: We want dedicated players with advanced knowledge of their class and spec, as well as the current raid content. We expect applicants to have at least ilvl 945 together with 75 traits or more.


What we expect of you as a raider: We expect you to clear at least a lootcap m+ each week. We expect you to keep up to date on your class and all types of PvE changes and being able to adapt to those changes.


So, why should you join Bulwark? We offer our members the opportunity to progress far into all kinds of PvE content, while still maintaining a friendly and social environment where everyone feels welcome. If you're a dedicated player and you seek a semi hardcore raiding guild with a constantly growing PvE community, then Bulwark is the guild for you.


In case you have any further questions about the guild, please contact: Elebie - Kazzak (Rasmus#2563) Sheinah - Kazzak (Hantra#21320) Garofka - Kazzak (Funk#2213) Sunflurry - Kazzak (Enehasd#2790)


The leadership of Bulwark will process your application and get back to you as soon as possible.


Send your application via e-mail to:

Last updated 365 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Worleex

Officers: Athariell, Sheinah

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 631
GroupID 14697
GuildID 484333

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago