Last scanned 1 day ago
About Discoveries |
Any exceptional application will be considered, we are a flexible team and can make room for almost anything and any role. We are especially interested in healer applications at the moment. If you enjoy pushing world ranks and taking progress seriously, please apply below. Who are we? We formed at the end of 9.0 after an old guild disbanded. Most of the roster came with us, having already played together for several years. We are an ambitious group of players that value efficiency. We set high goals we don't think we'll be able to reach and so far we've met every single one ahead of schedule. We always strive for improvement. In short we are a progress oriented guild both in and outside of raids. Renamed from <Posture Check> ( Previous ranks NP: #81 (3 days, Hall of Fame) AtDH: #115 (3 days, Hall of Fame) AtSC: #142 (3 days, Hall of Fame) VotI: #141 (3 days, Hall of Fame) SoFO: #214 (2 days) SoD: #564 (Rebuilding tier under new leadership, still 2 days) CN: #418 (2 days) Raid times Thursday 20:00-23:30 ST Sunday 20:00-23:30 ST Tuesday 20:00-23:30 ST We never raid outside these hours. What can you expect from us? Our officer team has experience leading efficient raiding guilds at a high level in the past while putting a lot of emphasis on our raiding atmosphere. A strong focus on killing bosses in as little time and as few pulls as possible. Teamplay is everything for us, we prepare as a team, we play as a team. We don't play as individuals. A fun raiding experience, our social atmosphere is good and most of us have been friends and playing together for years. We want to keep that going. A culture where we seek to improve each other through constructive feedback rather than placing blame. We require one alt for splits at the start of the new tier. New recruits can be exempt from this depending on timing. What we're looking for: We seek like-minded people who will do whatever they can to make the fight easier for everyone else. We want people who have no problems making the sacrificial play for the good of the team. We want someone who can execute all of this, while also putting out strong numbers. In short, we want people who put the team first. We want players with a positive attitude who look to solve problems rather than complain about them. While we don't have any mandatory grinding we expect each one of our raiders to do everything they can to maximize their character's potential. We want people who own their mistakes and have the ability to say "I messed up, here's how and this is what I'll do about it." We make every raid hour count, this means we expect our raiders to do their research and come prepared and ready to kill bosses.
You can find all the information (except recruitment status which is outdated) you need on our website below , or you can apply directly using this form: If you have questions about the application process contact any officer in-game. Last updated 14 weeks ago |
About Discoveries |
Any exceptional application will be considered, we are a flexible team and can make room for almost anything and any role. We are especially interested in healer applications at the moment. If you enjoy pushing world ranks and taking progress seriously, please apply below. Who are we? We formed at the end of 9.0 after an old guild disbanded. Most of the roster came with us, having already played together for several years. We are an ambitious group of players that value efficiency. We set high goals we don't think we'll be able to reach and so far we've met every single one ahead of schedule. We always strive for improvement. In short we are a progress oriented guild both in and outside of raids. Renamed from <Posture Check> ( Previous ranks NP: #81 (3 days, Hall of Fame) AtDH: #115 (3 days, Hall of Fame) AtSC: #142 (3 days, Hall of Fame) VotI: #141 (3 days, Hall of Fame) SoFO: #214 (2 days) SoD: #564 (Rebuilding tier under new leadership, still 2 days) CN: #418 (2 days) Raid times Thursday 20:00-23:30 ST Sunday 20:00-23:30 ST Tuesday 20:00-23:30 ST We never raid outside these hours. What can you expect from us? Our officer team has experience leading efficient raiding guilds at a high level in the past while putting a lot of emphasis on our raiding atmosphere. A strong focus on killing bosses in as little time and as few pulls as possible. Teamplay is everything for us, we prepare as a team, we play as a team. We don't play as individuals. A fun raiding experience, our social atmosphere is good and most of us have been friends and playing together for years. We want to keep that going. A culture where we seek to improve each other through constructive feedback rather than placing blame. We require one alt for splits at the start of the new tier. New recruits can be exempt from this depending on timing. What we're looking for: We seek like-minded people who will do whatever they can to make the fight easier for everyone else. We want people who have no problems making the sacrificial play for the good of the team. We want someone who can execute all of this, while also putting out strong numbers. In short, we want people who put the team first. We want players with a positive attitude who look to solve problems rather than complain about them. While we don't have any mandatory grinding we expect each one of our raiders to do everything they can to maximize their character's potential. We want people who own their mistakes and have the ability to say "I messed up, here's how and this is what I'll do about it." We make every raid hour count, this means we expect our raiders to do their research and come prepared and ready to kill bosses.
You can find all the information (except recruitment status which is outdated) you need on our website below , or you can apply directly using this form: If you have questions about the application process contact any officer in-game. Last updated 14 weeks ago |