About Ganymede |
++Recruitment++ Team Callisto are actively recruiting a Hunter and a Warlock for progression, we could also consider a SPriest for our team. All applicants who would consider themselves exceptional are also encouraged to apply. ++About Us++ Ganymede is a guild with a strong core of players who have been playing together for a long time. We have four raiding teams, two aiming to achieve Cutting Edge every single patch, and two clearing heroic, and a large group of players pushing M+. Outside of our raids, we have a very friendly atmosphere with constant activity on our discord every day, and we encourage everyone in the guild to take part in socialising and events. ++Raiding Teams++ Callisto - 2/10 M & 10/10 HC A 2-day CE raiding team - Led by Fradga
Cerberus - 1/10M & 10/10 HC A 3-day CE raiding team - Led by Redhide
Team Hydra - A more casual raid on Fridays for trials, non-raid members, and alts where people can have some fun with guildies, explore the latest content, and also show their skills. We understand for newer raiders who want to compete in end-game raiding content it can be hard to find a group and finding a reliable PuG is a pain. We hope that this opportunity allows these players to prove that they are capable of raiding at a high level. Good performance in this raid will pique the interest of our raid leaders and can earn you a place in a Cutting Edge team. ++Requirements++ As you can expect from any Cutting Edge team we expect you to have a high attendance, bring a good attitude with a full set of enchants and consumables, and be knowledgeable on all bosses ahead of the raids. You must be able to communicate clearly in English, and most importantly be able to maximise the potential of your character through theorycrafting, simulating gear, and have a deep insight of your character to perform at a high level consistently whilst striving to improve. ++Application++ If Ganymede sounds like a place you would like to call home, please fill out an application here: ++forms.gle/BArDnn7FnEqdF2TG9++ If you have any questions, please get in touch with one of our raid officers on discord:
Last updated 215 weeks ago |
About Ganymede |
++Recruitment++ Team Callisto are actively recruiting a Hunter and a Warlock for progression, we could also consider a SPriest for our team. All applicants who would consider themselves exceptional are also encouraged to apply. ++About Us++ Ganymede is a guild with a strong core of players who have been playing together for a long time. We have four raiding teams, two aiming to achieve Cutting Edge every single patch, and two clearing heroic, and a large group of players pushing M+. Outside of our raids, we have a very friendly atmosphere with constant activity on our discord every day, and we encourage everyone in the guild to take part in socialising and events. ++Raiding Teams++ Callisto - 2/10 M & 10/10 HC A 2-day CE raiding team - Led by Fradga
Cerberus - 1/10M & 10/10 HC A 3-day CE raiding team - Led by Redhide
Team Hydra - A more casual raid on Fridays for trials, non-raid members, and alts where people can have some fun with guildies, explore the latest content, and also show their skills. We understand for newer raiders who want to compete in end-game raiding content it can be hard to find a group and finding a reliable PuG is a pain. We hope that this opportunity allows these players to prove that they are capable of raiding at a high level. Good performance in this raid will pique the interest of our raid leaders and can earn you a place in a Cutting Edge team. ++Requirements++ As you can expect from any Cutting Edge team we expect you to have a high attendance, bring a good attitude with a full set of enchants and consumables, and be knowledgeable on all bosses ahead of the raids. You must be able to communicate clearly in English, and most importantly be able to maximise the potential of your character through theorycrafting, simulating gear, and have a deep insight of your character to perform at a high level consistently whilst striving to improve. ++Application++ If Ganymede sounds like a place you would like to call home, please fill out an application here: ++forms.gle/BArDnn7FnEqdF2TG9++ If you have any questions, please get in touch with one of our raid officers on discord:
Last updated 215 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?