
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago

About Lunatics
Recruiting is now open for the Shadowlands


Lunatics is a former late night raiding guild formed right before the launch of Legion expansion @ 2016 on Outland EU on the Alliance side under the name of Nocturnal. We transferred to Kazzak Horde on February 2018 and continue our raiding careers here under watchful eyes of the Warchief.


We used to raid at extremely late hours (our raids would start midnight servertime EU) with varying levels of success over the years.


Over the years we've noticed that maintaining Mythic roster at such late hours was just incredibly difficult task, so after hiatus in BFA after the Eternal Palace - we have returned to the Shadowlands as a casual guild with quite a few of the old core members.


Our sole aim now is to have fun, take it easy in normal and mythic and mythic+ content without streessing too much about things.


Raid time: (servertime) SATURDAY: 19:00 onwards. Official ending time hasn't yet been decided but it'll probably settle to the normal 22-23 range making it slightly longer 3-4 hour raid session with extended break in the middle as we're only having single raid per week kind of a deal.


you have what it takes to join our roster then feel free to contact officers in-game:


GM: Furiku ( Furiku#2441) Officers: Pubá and Phæse ( i'm sorry, I can't write that ae either.. copypaste ftw)

Last updated 221 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

About Lunatics
Recruiting is now open for the Shadowlands


Lunatics is a former late night raiding guild formed right before the launch of Legion expansion @ 2016 on Outland EU on the Alliance side under the name of Nocturnal. We transferred to Kazzak Horde on February 2018 and continue our raiding careers here under watchful eyes of the Warchief.


We used to raid at extremely late hours (our raids would start midnight servertime EU) with varying levels of success over the years.


Over the years we've noticed that maintaining Mythic roster at such late hours was just incredibly difficult task, so after hiatus in BFA after the Eternal Palace - we have returned to the Shadowlands as a casual guild with quite a few of the old core members.


Our sole aim now is to have fun, take it easy in normal and mythic and mythic+ content without streessing too much about things.


Raid time: (servertime) SATURDAY: 19:00 onwards. Official ending time hasn't yet been decided but it'll probably settle to the normal 22-23 range making it slightly longer 3-4 hour raid session with extended break in the middle as we're only having single raid per week kind of a deal.


you have what it takes to join our roster then feel free to contact officers in-game:


GM: Furiku ( Furiku#2441) Officers: Pubá and Phæse ( i'm sorry, I can't write that ae either.. copypaste ftw)

Last updated 221 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 631
GroupID 498891
GuildID 607846

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago