
3/8 M
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 1st Raid Week)
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Mythic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 10th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 days ago

About Noctis

Welcome to Noctis,

Our guild is dedicated to building a strong foundation of motivated players who share a competitive mindset. Noctis is built around the concept of continuous improvement and thus only seeks players for the long term.


Raiding schedule

Invites start at 19:15


Continuous Improvement

The main goal of our guild is to strive for continuous improvement. We want to grow as a guild by helping our raiders to grow and improve in the part they play in our team. Throughout progression, we keep track of performance, attitude, punctuality, preparation and motivation to achieve that goal. Feedback is provided continuously, with more consolidated reviews at the middle and end of progression. Apart from the feedback given by the officer team, we expect players to actively self-evaluate and improve their own performance.



As a 2-day raiding guild, we never extend our raiding beyond the scheduled hours or raiding days (8h/week). This means that if we want to compete at higher world ranks, significant preparation outside of raid hours is essential. We expect our raiders to maintain their characters independently, ensuring they are on par with others in the guild. Our raid leader kicks off progression with thorough preparation on bosses in our Discord and we expect players to actively involve themselves in the strategy discussions that follow.


Extracurricular Activities

We foster a fun and inspiring atmosphere during progression raids, balanced with the necessary focus when it counts. We believe that people getting to know each other outside of a progression environment helps to achieve this atmosphere. Therefore, we actively organize various events outside of raids, including:

  • Alt, boost or PTR raids
  • M+
  • Game nights (no WoW)
  • IRL meet-ups



We are always on the lookout for like-minded players to join our team. Even when we have no open spots for recruitment, exceptional applicants will always be considered.

What we offer

  • Experienced leadership and a supportive community.
  • A structured raiding environment with clear goals and strategies.
  • Opportunities to boost, play M+ with guildies and join social events.
  • A mature, respectful atmosphere that welcomes anyone with a matching mindset.

What we look for

  • Proficiency in English and the ability to communicate during raids
  • Preparedness for raids
  • Stable internet connection
  • Previous Cutting Edge raiding experience
  • Attendance rate of 95%+

What is frowned upon

  • Individualist attitude: In Noctis, we play as a team. Every decision is made with the team's best interest at heart, never prioritizing individual gains.
  • Sandbagging: Neglecting to maintain your character in hopes of being rewarded by the loot council is not acceptable. We expect all members to put in the necessary effort.
  • Toxicity: Our raiding environment is mature and open to banter. To ensure it remains enjoyable for everyone, toxic behavior will not be tolerated in the slightest.
  • Minimal Engagement: We are not just a 2-day raiding guild you join to play 8 hours per week. Joining Noctis means committing to maintaining your character and engaging with the game outside of scheduled raids, as we believe this greatly improves overall performance.


Please apply through our application form or contact Lutah on Discord(lutah) in case you have any questions. We kindly ask you to not add anyone on battlenet.

Last updated 7 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Tuhal

Officers: Cleverfit, Nightdotz

About Noctis

Welcome to Noctis,

Our guild is dedicated to building a strong foundation of motivated players who share a competitive mindset. Noctis is built around the concept of continuous improvement and thus only seeks players for the long term.


Raiding schedule

Invites start at 19:15


Continuous Improvement

The main goal of our guild is to strive for continuous improvement. We want to grow as a guild by helping our raiders to grow and improve in the part they play in our team. Throughout progression, we keep track of performance, attitude, punctuality, preparation and motivation to achieve that goal. Feedback is provided continuously, with more consolidated reviews at the middle and end of progression. Apart from the feedback given by the officer team, we expect players to actively self-evaluate and improve their own performance.



As a 2-day raiding guild, we never extend our raiding beyond the scheduled hours or raiding days (8h/week). This means that if we want to compete at higher world ranks, significant preparation outside of raid hours is essential. We expect our raiders to maintain their characters independently, ensuring they are on par with others in the guild. Our raid leader kicks off progression with thorough preparation on bosses in our Discord and we expect players to actively involve themselves in the strategy discussions that follow.


Extracurricular Activities

We foster a fun and inspiring atmosphere during progression raids, balanced with the necessary focus when it counts. We believe that people getting to know each other outside of a progression environment helps to achieve this atmosphere. Therefore, we actively organize various events outside of raids, including:

  • Alt, boost or PTR raids
  • M+
  • Game nights (no WoW)
  • IRL meet-ups



We are always on the lookout for like-minded players to join our team. Even when we have no open spots for recruitment, exceptional applicants will always be considered.

What we offer

  • Experienced leadership and a supportive community.
  • A structured raiding environment with clear goals and strategies.
  • Opportunities to boost, play M+ with guildies and join social events.
  • A mature, respectful atmosphere that welcomes anyone with a matching mindset.

What we look for

  • Proficiency in English and the ability to communicate during raids
  • Preparedness for raids
  • Stable internet connection
  • Previous Cutting Edge raiding experience
  • Attendance rate of 95%+

What is frowned upon

  • Individualist attitude: In Noctis, we play as a team. Every decision is made with the team's best interest at heart, never prioritizing individual gains.
  • Sandbagging: Neglecting to maintain your character in hopes of being rewarded by the loot council is not acceptable. We expect all members to put in the necessary effort.
  • Toxicity: Our raiding environment is mature and open to banter. To ensure it remains enjoyable for everyone, toxic behavior will not be tolerated in the slightest.
  • Minimal Engagement: We are not just a 2-day raiding guild you join to play 8 hours per week. Joining Noctis means committing to maintaining your character and engaging with the game outside of scheduled raids, as we believe this greatly improves overall performance.


Please apply through our application form or contact Lutah on Discord(lutah) in case you have any questions. We kindly ask you to not add anyone on battlenet.

Last updated 7 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Tuhal

Officers: Cleverfit, Nightdotz

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Mythic3/8 M18010112
Heroic8/8 H15310218
Normal8/8 N1,8871,05674
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic8/8 M27816823
Heroic8/8 H62039260
Normal8/8 N79717028
RealmID 631
GroupID 2018215
GuildID 2012566

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 days ago