Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About Nocturna |
We are Nocturna. A new guild on Kazzak (Horde) recruiting for casual raiding in the New Year. About Us Our foundations started on Sylvanas in 2014, as the Guild, Indecisive, on the Alliance Faction. We managed to clear all raids in Heroic, and were 7/14H pre-nerf in the Siege of Orgrimmar Raid in Mists of Pandaria, clearing the entire raid during the Warlords pre-patch. Unfortunately, due to irl commitments, we had to call it quits in early Warlords of Draenor, just after clearing Heroic Highmaul. A few members of our core team decided that Shadowlands would be a great opportunity to potentially step back into Raiding, and we’re looking for players to join the journey with us! Above all, aside from raiding, we want to create a community that players enjoy being a part of, with aims to run consistent Mythic+ runs during raiding downtime. Though most of our players are stepping back into raiding after the break, we have members who have current progression in Castle Nathria Heroic, along with some Mythic in previous expansions. Raiding: We’re taking a slightly unconventional approach to raiding this Tier, until we can figure out something that works for everyone. Rather than having set days to raid, (Wed, Thurs, Sun. for example) we will discuss as a team what days are best suited for everyone to attend, on a weekly basis. A far more casual approach than most of us are certainly used to, however, given our current global situation a few of our current members work according to shifts, so having dedicated raiding days just doesn’t work out that well. During downtime with raiding, of course, we will organise runs in Mythic Dungeons and key-pushing, along with slowly building our small community to be the best it can possibly be. In short, our raids will not have set days, one week they may run on a Thursday, the next, it could be a Sunday. It will always be in the evening, however, as we are fully aware that people have commitments during the day! (For the most part.) We’re currently looking to focus on achieving Ahead of the Curve, with aims for Mythic progression dependant on how the tier and raid times work in our favour. We are currently 10/10 Heroic. We are currently looking for Ranged DPS to bolster our roster. Socials: For those among our wonderful player base that want to take a more chilled out approach in World of Warcraft, we welcome socials too! Everyone is welcome in Nocturna. This doesn’t mean that you can’t raid with us as a social, as we aim to try and be inclusive with everyone in the future, once we can compile an appropriate roster. Requirements: Though our requirements are the bare minimum, there’s a few things that we need to ask from people who are seeking to join our journey with us.
What we will offer in return:
Contact us: In-game whispers
You can search ‘Nocturna’ in the in-game guild finder, too. Feel free to visit our new website at Thanks so much for reading our post, we look forward to hearing from all of you. Good luck, have fun, and stay safe out there. Much love. Last updated 209 weeks ago |
About Nocturna |
We are Nocturna. A new guild on Kazzak (Horde) recruiting for casual raiding in the New Year. About Us Our foundations started on Sylvanas in 2014, as the Guild, Indecisive, on the Alliance Faction. We managed to clear all raids in Heroic, and were 7/14H pre-nerf in the Siege of Orgrimmar Raid in Mists of Pandaria, clearing the entire raid during the Warlords pre-patch. Unfortunately, due to irl commitments, we had to call it quits in early Warlords of Draenor, just after clearing Heroic Highmaul. A few members of our core team decided that Shadowlands would be a great opportunity to potentially step back into Raiding, and we’re looking for players to join the journey with us! Above all, aside from raiding, we want to create a community that players enjoy being a part of, with aims to run consistent Mythic+ runs during raiding downtime. Though most of our players are stepping back into raiding after the break, we have members who have current progression in Castle Nathria Heroic, along with some Mythic in previous expansions. Raiding: We’re taking a slightly unconventional approach to raiding this Tier, until we can figure out something that works for everyone. Rather than having set days to raid, (Wed, Thurs, Sun. for example) we will discuss as a team what days are best suited for everyone to attend, on a weekly basis. A far more casual approach than most of us are certainly used to, however, given our current global situation a few of our current members work according to shifts, so having dedicated raiding days just doesn’t work out that well. During downtime with raiding, of course, we will organise runs in Mythic Dungeons and key-pushing, along with slowly building our small community to be the best it can possibly be. In short, our raids will not have set days, one week they may run on a Thursday, the next, it could be a Sunday. It will always be in the evening, however, as we are fully aware that people have commitments during the day! (For the most part.) We’re currently looking to focus on achieving Ahead of the Curve, with aims for Mythic progression dependant on how the tier and raid times work in our favour. We are currently 10/10 Heroic. We are currently looking for Ranged DPS to bolster our roster. Socials: For those among our wonderful player base that want to take a more chilled out approach in World of Warcraft, we welcome socials too! Everyone is welcome in Nocturna. This doesn’t mean that you can’t raid with us as a social, as we aim to try and be inclusive with everyone in the future, once we can compile an appropriate roster. Requirements: Though our requirements are the bare minimum, there’s a few things that we need to ask from people who are seeking to join our journey with us.
What we will offer in return:
Contact us: In-game whispers
You can search ‘Nocturna’ in the in-game guild finder, too. Feel free to visit our new website at Thanks so much for reading our post, we look forward to hearing from all of you. Good luck, have fun, and stay safe out there. Much love. Last updated 209 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?