Last scanned 5 days ago
About Rewritten |
Hello! Rewritten is a friendly semi-hardcore guild, where the main goal is to have fun (This includes a lot of memes and dark humour). At the same time, we want to get those pesky Cutting Edge titles as well.
Our achievements of previous tiers:
Raiding Schedule (Server Time): • Monday 19:30-22:30 • Tuesday 19:30-22:30 ALL applications with relevant logs & experience will be considered What do we expect from you? • High attendance! - We raid 6 HOURS per week, with the goal of clearing as many bosses on mythic as possible – Killing bosses won’t happen if half of the raids must be cancelled, due to lack of attendance. Because of this we expect at least 85% attandence for all of our usual raid days. This includes signing up to the raid minimum 2 days before, as the signups will get LOCKED before the raid; both to show respect to your fellow raiders to avoid cancelled raids in last moment and for the officers to prepare raid setup in time. • NO ELITISM – NO RAGERS. We value a healthy environment, where working equally as a team is important. Even the best can make mistakes and we all have our weaknesses. • Willingness to improve and therefore able to take constructive criticism – No insulting! This includes spending time OUTSIDE raid times, practicing and optimizing the character you play. Our officers look through logs for improvements, from raid to raid. When it comes to progress, the performance and individual improvements of a player will be taken into consideration. • Being vocal – it is fine if you aren’t the most talkative person as long you speak out when necessary (call solo soaks, externals etc, or if you at least clear tactics in raid talk so we know)
How to apply Option A: You can apply through our Discord application channel . In the Discord, type .iam Applying once in and then proceed to fill in the application form in the #application channel. Option B: WowAudit application form: OR Contact any of the officers below Contacts BattleTag: Megaisback (youness#2458), Gigaisback (Mahula#2904), Bukucgama (ChukyBiB#2111), Mutè (Mute#21330) Discord: Mega (Mega8410), Mahula (mahula), Bukucgama (bukucagama), mute (mute0001) Best regards, Rewritten officer team. Last updated 2 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Punkcreator Officers: Bukucagama, Gigaisback, Megaisback, Mutè |
About Rewritten |
Hello! Rewritten is a friendly semi-hardcore guild, where the main goal is to have fun (This includes a lot of memes and dark humour). At the same time, we want to get those pesky Cutting Edge titles as well.
Our achievements of previous tiers:
Raiding Schedule (Server Time): • Monday 19:30-22:30 • Tuesday 19:30-22:30 ALL applications with relevant logs & experience will be considered What do we expect from you? • High attendance! - We raid 6 HOURS per week, with the goal of clearing as many bosses on mythic as possible – Killing bosses won’t happen if half of the raids must be cancelled, due to lack of attendance. Because of this we expect at least 85% attandence for all of our usual raid days. This includes signing up to the raid minimum 2 days before, as the signups will get LOCKED before the raid; both to show respect to your fellow raiders to avoid cancelled raids in last moment and for the officers to prepare raid setup in time. • NO ELITISM – NO RAGERS. We value a healthy environment, where working equally as a team is important. Even the best can make mistakes and we all have our weaknesses. • Willingness to improve and therefore able to take constructive criticism – No insulting! This includes spending time OUTSIDE raid times, practicing and optimizing the character you play. Our officers look through logs for improvements, from raid to raid. When it comes to progress, the performance and individual improvements of a player will be taken into consideration. • Being vocal – it is fine if you aren’t the most talkative person as long you speak out when necessary (call solo soaks, externals etc, or if you at least clear tactics in raid talk so we know)
How to apply Option A: You can apply through our Discord application channel . In the Discord, type .iam Applying once in and then proceed to fill in the application form in the #application channel. Option B: WowAudit application form: OR Contact any of the officers below Contacts BattleTag: Megaisback (youness#2458), Gigaisback (Mahula#2904), Bukucgama (ChukyBiB#2111), Mutè (Mute#21330) Discord: Mega (Mega8410), Mahula (mahula), Bukucgama (bukucagama), mute (mute0001) Best regards, Rewritten officer team. Last updated 2 weeks ago |