
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago

About Venthyrs

Guilde << Venthyrs >> Yek guild Friendly Semi hardcore mibashad ke jahate Progress baraye Expantion bad Player Ba akhlagh Va Skill Mipazirad

Dar hale Hazer Roster Ma baraye Class Haye << Warlock- Resto Shaman-Priest disc-holy-Demon hunter-Mage - Hunter- Deathknight>> Open mibashad

Raid Days : Wednesday - Saturday - Sunday - Monday 4Shanbe - - Shanbe - 1 Shanbe - 2 Shanbe

Raid time : (Iran Time az saate 20:30 ta 01:00)

Recruit Guild Venthyrs baraye Player haye ba tajrobe ba har classi baz hast Va baraye Ertebat va etelaate bishtar mitoonid az tarigh

Battel Tag: Jonytepiya#2555

Discord : Exo#9140

application for, :

ba ma Dar Ertebad bashid !

Venthyrs is Currently Recruiting For persian players For Shadowlands

About us: • As a guild, our goals is to progress into mythic content while still keeping a stress-free environment. • Outside of raid, we enjoy running mythic plus groups.

What we expect from you: • Consistently positive attitude during progression • Comprehensive knowledge and expertise with your class and spec • Thorough preparedness for every raid, meaning researching tactics and bringing consumables • Desire to self-improve and accept criticism • Atleast 90% attendance, we want a roster which can allow people to deal with IRL issues without getting


Recruitment: • We never stop recruiting and is always looking for exceptional players to our roster. • Trials will be tested untill a fair conclusion has been made by officers and raidleader

CONTACT jonytepiya#2555

Discord : Exo#9140

Last updated 231 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

About Venthyrs

Guilde << Venthyrs >> Yek guild Friendly Semi hardcore mibashad ke jahate Progress baraye Expantion bad Player Ba akhlagh Va Skill Mipazirad

Dar hale Hazer Roster Ma baraye Class Haye << Warlock- Resto Shaman-Priest disc-holy-Demon hunter-Mage - Hunter- Deathknight>> Open mibashad

Raid Days : Wednesday - Saturday - Sunday - Monday 4Shanbe - - Shanbe - 1 Shanbe - 2 Shanbe

Raid time : (Iran Time az saate 20:30 ta 01:00)

Recruit Guild Venthyrs baraye Player haye ba tajrobe ba har classi baz hast Va baraye Ertebat va etelaate bishtar mitoonid az tarigh

Battel Tag: Jonytepiya#2555

Discord : Exo#9140

application for, :

ba ma Dar Ertebad bashid !

Venthyrs is Currently Recruiting For persian players For Shadowlands

About us: • As a guild, our goals is to progress into mythic content while still keeping a stress-free environment. • Outside of raid, we enjoy running mythic plus groups.

What we expect from you: • Consistently positive attitude during progression • Comprehensive knowledge and expertise with your class and spec • Thorough preparedness for every raid, meaning researching tactics and bringing consumables • Desire to self-improve and accept criticism • Atleast 90% attendance, we want a roster which can allow people to deal with IRL issues without getting


Recruitment: • We never stop recruiting and is always looking for exceptional players to our roster. • Trials will be tested untill a fair conclusion has been made by officers and raidleader

CONTACT jonytepiya#2555

Discord : Exo#9140

Last updated 231 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 631
GroupID 1044580
GuildID 1078700

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago