Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About Damocles |
[H] <Damocles> (EU-Kilrogg, Runetotem, Nagrand) Damocles began raiding this expansion and the raid team has old and new players alike. We have achieved Ahead of the Curve for both tiers but would like to push further into Mythic. We only raid 2 nights a week (6 hours total) so we expect our raiders to be able to reliably commit to this schedule. We currently clear heroic on Wednesday and Progress Mythic on Thursday. Outside of raids we actively take part in Mythic+ to gear alts and push for high keys. Raid Times Wednesday/Thursday 8-11PM EU server time. What we expect:
We don’t require you to have gear or current tier experience, just have common sense and be willing to learn. Recruitment We currently require DPS and Healers to top up our raid roster, as well as all Mythic+ roles. We are always looking for exceptional players and we will consider all classes but some have higher priority than others. Therefore, if you are flexible in the classes and specs you can play it will be a lot easier for us to find a place for you. Cross realm trials are also a possibility if you are currently located on another realm.. If you are interested in joining the raid team head over to our discord and drop an Officer a message: Last updated 306 weeks ago |
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About Damocles |
[H] <Damocles> (EU-Kilrogg, Runetotem, Nagrand) Damocles began raiding this expansion and the raid team has old and new players alike. We have achieved Ahead of the Curve for both tiers but would like to push further into Mythic. We only raid 2 nights a week (6 hours total) so we expect our raiders to be able to reliably commit to this schedule. We currently clear heroic on Wednesday and Progress Mythic on Thursday. Outside of raids we actively take part in Mythic+ to gear alts and push for high keys. Raid Times Wednesday/Thursday 8-11PM EU server time. What we expect:
We don’t require you to have gear or current tier experience, just have common sense and be willing to learn. Recruitment We currently require DPS and Healers to top up our raid roster, as well as all Mythic+ roles. We are always looking for exceptional players and we will consider all classes but some have higher priority than others. Therefore, if you are flexible in the classes and specs you can play it will be a lot easier for us to find a place for you. Cross realm trials are also a possibility if you are currently located on another realm.. If you are interested in joining the raid team head over to our discord and drop an Officer a message: Last updated 306 weeks ago |
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Guild Master: |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?