Last scanned 22 hours ago
About Elysium |
Elysium is an international guild focused on end-game Raiding, being the top Horde guild to clear Heroic for the past few tiers, and attempting to progress into Mythic as and when our numbers allow it. Currently, our raid days/hours are Wednesday and Sunday, 20-23 Server Time, with a shorter raid on Thursday 20-22 Server Time allowing us to provide help with weekly keys for raiders. Early on into a new tier, Normal can be expected to be cleared after clearing progressed Heroic bosses, and allowing us to trial new members. We’re currently welcoming new healers and DPS into our ranks for Sepulcher progression. If you wish to join us (either as a Raider or Casual), please mail Evangelism-KulTiras or Annsin-KulTiras ingame, or add us on battlenet: Purged#21836 Annsin#2385 We hope to see you online Last updated 159 weeks ago |
About Elysium |
Elysium is an international guild focused on end-game Raiding, being the top Horde guild to clear Heroic for the past few tiers, and attempting to progress into Mythic as and when our numbers allow it. Currently, our raid days/hours are Wednesday and Sunday, 20-23 Server Time, with a shorter raid on Thursday 20-22 Server Time allowing us to provide help with weekly keys for raiders. Early on into a new tier, Normal can be expected to be cleared after clearing progressed Heroic bosses, and allowing us to trial new members. We’re currently welcoming new healers and DPS into our ranks for Sepulcher progression. If you wish to join us (either as a Raider or Casual), please mail Evangelism-KulTiras or Annsin-KulTiras ingame, or add us on battlenet: Purged#21836 Annsin#2385 We hope to see you online Last updated 159 weeks ago |