
4/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 11th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Genetics

Genetics was formed 13 years ago! We began as an extremely successful RBG guild dominating the PVP scene with the top players in the world.

In May 2014 we then transitioned to PVE and achieved "Realm first Garrosh hellscream" (25man Mythic) whilst still maintaining an active role in the PVP world. So after a much needed break we have returned to raiding just 1 day a week as a main team then a further night for an alt/social raid, this means we have the chance to use the rest of the week for mythic+ and other various in game activities such as PVP!

Genetics prides itself on the safe family environment where each member is valued, respected & feels wanted. This is the ethos of the guild and is something we maintain above all else.

We are always looking for players of all classes and specs to join our team but we are really interested in DPS. But do not let this disuade you as all players are considered so go ahead and message if you think you've got what we are looking for, all players will be looked at on an individual basis:-


  • Be 645+ in item level with the knowledge of what items you need to improve
  • Friendly attitude towards other players, especially your guildies.
  • Be able to take constructive criticism and improve as a player from it.
  • If you wish to raid, to attend when sign ups are sent
  • Ability to play off-spec or a variety of classes is desirable but not required
  • Attend raid fully prepared!
  • An understanding of your class and specs and which is optimal for your character
  • Discord for voice communications
  • Work towards a minimum of KSM but aiming for KSH and higher

If you would like to discuss further regarding joining please message the GM or an Officer ingame.

We always have room for social players and friends or family of raiders. We often include the social members in keys so they are able to gear up too. We look forward to hearing from you =)

Last updated 4 days ago
About Genetics

Genetics was formed 13 years ago! We began as an extremely successful RBG guild dominating the PVP scene with the top players in the world.

In May 2014 we then transitioned to PVE and achieved "Realm first Garrosh hellscream" (25man Mythic) whilst still maintaining an active role in the PVP world. So after a much needed break we have returned to raiding just 1 day a week as a main team then a further night for an alt/social raid, this means we have the chance to use the rest of the week for mythic+ and other various in game activities such as PVP!

Genetics prides itself on the safe family environment where each member is valued, respected & feels wanted. This is the ethos of the guild and is something we maintain above all else.

We are always looking for players of all classes and specs to join our team but we are really interested in DPS. But do not let this disuade you as all players are considered so go ahead and message if you think you've got what we are looking for, all players will be looked at on an individual basis:-


  • Be 645+ in item level with the knowledge of what items you need to improve
  • Friendly attitude towards other players, especially your guildies.
  • Be able to take constructive criticism and improve as a player from it.
  • If you wish to raid, to attend when sign ups are sent
  • Ability to play off-spec or a variety of classes is desirable but not required
  • Attend raid fully prepared!
  • An understanding of your class and specs and which is optimal for your character
  • Discord for voice communications
  • Work towards a minimum of KSM but aiming for KSH and higher

If you would like to discuss further regarding joining please message the GM or an Officer ingame.

We always have room for social players and friends or family of raiders. We often include the social members in keys so they are able to gear up too. We look forward to hearing from you =)

Last updated 4 days ago

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic4/8 H7,2793,80316
Normal8/8 N8,7114,38320
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H11,5685,80830
Normal8/8 N11,2495,78027
Blackrock Depths
Normal8/8 N6312993
RealmID 681
GroupID 17302
GuildID 46074

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago