Last scanned 2 days ago
About Scythe |
Scythe is a three year old guild formed to achieve curve. We progress two night a week with an additional optional alt run at heroic. We have achieved every curve since Shadowlands S3, which is when the guild was formed, and aim to continue this streak. We are currently recruiting more ranged dps and healers to bolster our raiding team for S2. Discord: Scampscamper1 Our mandatory progress raids are every Wednesday and Sunday at 20:00-23:00 server time, and the alt runs are the same time on Mondays. We are also welcoming all levels of m+ players and any socials! We hope to hear from you! :) Last updated 1 week ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Scamper Officers: Cöökies, Gruesilla, Picaboom, Scampclaper, Titanshaman |
About Scythe |
Scythe is a three year old guild formed to achieve curve. We progress two night a week with an additional optional alt run at heroic. We have achieved every curve since Shadowlands S3, which is when the guild was formed, and aim to continue this streak. We are currently recruiting more ranged dps and healers to bolster our raiding team for S2. Discord: Scampscamper1 Our mandatory progress raids are every Wednesday and Sunday at 20:00-23:00 server time, and the alt runs are the same time on Mondays. We are also welcoming all levels of m+ players and any socials! We hope to hear from you! :) Last updated 1 week ago |