
5/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 15th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 9 hours ago

About Synergie

Formed in October 2006, Synergie is one of the oldest Horde guilds on the EU Quel'Thalas server.

Synergie started off as a serious, non-hardcore normal/heroic raiding guild. In the glory days of BFA we pushed ourselfes to becoming the Realm first Horde raiding guild and achieved multiple CE´s. Until alas Shadowlands and real life came along and tore us apart. Now in TWW alot of our long standing members have returned. We are now in the process of rebuilding our Raidroster and the Guild as a whole.

We like to offer a place for everyone, so we welcome any casual player (that just wants a nice social atmosphere) or people who just want to raid HC aswell as players who like to push and improve themselves to dable in the mythic difficulty. We value the importancy of real life but also welcome more commited players who would like to experience the highest tier of raiding with us.

Our raidscedule in the upcoming tier will be Tuesday and Wednesday 19:45-23:00 realm time. !!!These days might sometimes vary, but events will be planned a month in advance!!!

Currently all applications will be considered. Dont worry about your class or raiding experience. Dont be shy to get into contact with us. We are a colourfull cast of characters I´m sure you will fit right in.

Synergie has been around for a long time now, we know what works (and what doesnt), and we are now looking to continue that good work.

If you are looking to join us, and like what you hear feel free to contact us for a chat. The easiest way would be our discord server ++ where you can also get in contact with our officerbase. (GM: Hapnur, Raidlead: Asrubael, other Officers: Ming, Teddie)

Last updated 9 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Hapnur

Officers: Asrubael

About Synergie

Formed in October 2006, Synergie is one of the oldest Horde guilds on the EU Quel'Thalas server.

Synergie started off as a serious, non-hardcore normal/heroic raiding guild. In the glory days of BFA we pushed ourselfes to becoming the Realm first Horde raiding guild and achieved multiple CE´s. Until alas Shadowlands and real life came along and tore us apart. Now in TWW alot of our long standing members have returned. We are now in the process of rebuilding our Raidroster and the Guild as a whole.

We like to offer a place for everyone, so we welcome any casual player (that just wants a nice social atmosphere) or people who just want to raid HC aswell as players who like to push and improve themselves to dable in the mythic difficulty. We value the importancy of real life but also welcome more commited players who would like to experience the highest tier of raiding with us.

Our raidscedule in the upcoming tier will be Tuesday and Wednesday 19:45-23:00 realm time. !!!These days might sometimes vary, but events will be planned a month in advance!!!

Currently all applications will be considered. Dont worry about your class or raiding experience. Dont be shy to get into contact with us. We are a colourfull cast of characters I´m sure you will fit right in.

Synergie has been around for a long time now, we know what works (and what doesnt), and we are now looking to continue that good work.

If you are looking to join us, and like what you hear feel free to contact us for a chat. The easiest way would be our discord server ++ where you can also get in contact with our officerbase. (GM: Hapnur, Raidlead: Asrubael, other Officers: Ming, Teddie)

Last updated 9 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Hapnur

Officers: Asrubael

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic5/8 H5,5832,98815
Normal8/8 N1,9161,0855
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H13,1486,48836
RealmID 685
GroupID 484711
GuildID 51497

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 9 hours ago