Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About Orca |
Orca is a community in several games, the core comes from Black Desert Online. We offer a strong leadership, very stabile core and good laughs Our aim is to get cutting edge in a casual hardcore way. We don't accept snowflakes, slackers, or people that do not prepare accordingly to what our raid lead wants from us. If you are easily tilted, offended, cant take criticism or cant admit mistakes dont even bother, this place is not for you However, if you are a laidback person that can banter, laugh, and lock in when it's needed, we are a place for you. We raid Wednesday and Sunday 19:00 - 22:00 CET, we also have heroic reclear with the community/alts 610+ on fridays Last updated 20 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Odï Officers: Anote, Csakisgizmo, Gizmódápró, Kobabe, Mayhematic, Odid, Thugshake |
About Orca |
Orca is a community in several games, the core comes from Black Desert Online. We offer a strong leadership, very stabile core and good laughs Our aim is to get cutting edge in a casual hardcore way. We don't accept snowflakes, slackers, or people that do not prepare accordingly to what our raid lead wants from us. If you are easily tilted, offended, cant take criticism or cant admit mistakes dont even bother, this place is not for you However, if you are a laidback person that can banter, laugh, and lock in when it's needed, we are a place for you. We raid Wednesday and Sunday 19:00 - 22:00 CET, we also have heroic reclear with the community/alts 610+ on fridays Last updated 20 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Odï Officers: Anote, Csakisgizmo, Gizmódápró, Kobabe, Mayhematic, Odid, Thugshake |