
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Poggers

Our Guild was formed at the beginning of BfA, we are core group of IRL friends that have raiding experience in Mythic and HC going back as far a Wrath.

We are a semi-hardcore, dedicated raiding guild with the goal of clearing current content in a reasonable time, but not at the cost of enjoyment.

Full understanding of your class and spec. Be ready to be questioned about this if you apply (we are not looking for people to bring the best in world 100th percentile but knowing your class is a must).

The ability to deal with criticism, to see your own flaws and mistakes - but also acknowledge them when others point them out to you and to use the given information to try and improve yourself regardless of whether your mistakes be game mechanics or class play style.

Respectful and friendly behaviour not only during raid time but also in the general day to day life of the guild.

Able to make the raid schedule during new content and normal content.

We Raid 3 days a week during progression also attempting if possible to do more days but only if the team is available.

We are currently looking for some strong ranged dps to join our mythic progression team aswell as some healers (Monk, Priest or Shaman).

This doesnt mean we will not take your application into consideration if you feel you can add something to our team in any role, we look at all applications.

If your application is successful you will be trialed by us, via cross realm if need be. This will take place in the form of you joining multiple instances of our raids or M+ dungeons and the trial period usually lasts for 2-3 weeks. After that time period we can tell you if you are fitting into the team or not.

My Battletag: Myinfinite#2665

Officer Battletags: Malbaar#2638

You can also message us in our discord link is below:

Thank you for considering us and I hope to hear from you.

Representing the Guild and the Team,



Guildmaster and Raid Leader, Poggers

Last updated 311 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

About Poggers

Our Guild was formed at the beginning of BfA, we are core group of IRL friends that have raiding experience in Mythic and HC going back as far a Wrath.

We are a semi-hardcore, dedicated raiding guild with the goal of clearing current content in a reasonable time, but not at the cost of enjoyment.

Full understanding of your class and spec. Be ready to be questioned about this if you apply (we are not looking for people to bring the best in world 100th percentile but knowing your class is a must).

The ability to deal with criticism, to see your own flaws and mistakes - but also acknowledge them when others point them out to you and to use the given information to try and improve yourself regardless of whether your mistakes be game mechanics or class play style.

Respectful and friendly behaviour not only during raid time but also in the general day to day life of the guild.

Able to make the raid schedule during new content and normal content.

We Raid 3 days a week during progression also attempting if possible to do more days but only if the team is available.

We are currently looking for some strong ranged dps to join our mythic progression team aswell as some healers (Monk, Priest or Shaman).

This doesnt mean we will not take your application into consideration if you feel you can add something to our team in any role, we look at all applications.

If your application is successful you will be trialed by us, via cross realm if need be. This will take place in the form of you joining multiple instances of our raids or M+ dungeons and the trial period usually lasts for 2-3 weeks. After that time period we can tell you if you are fitting into the team or not.

My Battletag: Myinfinite#2665

Officer Battletags: Malbaar#2638

You can also message us in our discord link is below:

Thank you for considering us and I hope to hear from you.

Representing the Guild and the Team,



Guildmaster and Raid Leader, Poggers

Last updated 311 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 686
GroupID 738846
GuildID 775833

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago