
4/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
5/8 N
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Rehabilitated

General information Guild Name: Rehabilitated Faction: Horde Realm: Ragnaros (EU) Realm Timezone: GMT+1

Primary Language: English

Most important to know about us With a serious touch, full competitive goals, without going full mental. Being friendly and social in all situations. Maintaining a balance between hardcore and semi-hardcore raiding. Aiming for cutting edge achievements in Shadowlands.

For Shadowlands the guild has reformed after the launch of BFA the game did not feel right for us anymore. After raiding together since WOTLK, we decided to go with a new start on Ragnaros as Horde (always played Alliance before). The core of the guild consists of around 10 people who have raided together since WOTLK. Cutting edges were achieved. We raided heroic ICC, all the heroic MOP raids, all mythic Legion raids. Old guild name: Sanctum guards on Magtheridon (EU).

Semi-hardcore or hardcore? The core of the group has been together for quite some time. As a group, we have encoutered different goals of playing together. As we were never casual, this is mostly alligned with "Semi-hardcore" goals. However, we experienced that Semi-Hardcore is not always the best phrase to summarize who we are. Often we go a step further, without going full mental. An example:

  • Top hardcore guilds raid 5-7 nights a week when release happens. We will (only) raid 2-3 nights (3 and a half hour per evening). 1 night a week will be organized as flexible (mythic progression, m+ dungeons, heroic raiding, PVP, funtime).
  • Top hardcore guilds aim for the 'perfect' setup for progression, which basically means excluding classes from tier. We will choose the 'perfect' comp only when we will hit a brick wall, as we want to try to remain flexible and allow raiders to play thier main spec. We allow 'memespecs' if the player shows an exceptional proficiency.
  • Top hardcore guilds require people to choose 2-3 mains. We have no such policies. 1 main is enough. If you have more, that's fine as well.
  • Top hardcore guilds aim for 100% attendance of around 21 people. We will aim for a bit more and rotate for the sake of social life (aiming between 23-25 raiders).
  • Top hardcore guilds aim for server first and world top 100. We aim for cutting edge as soon as is possible, and see what ranking is possible with that. However, not getting cutting edge is not an option and we will adjust accordingly.

In our vision this is more serious than semi-hardcore where guilds may aim for cutting edge or not, may switch people out on specific bosses or not. We will do that, but only if it is 100% required.

Raid schedule Raid Times: 20:00 - 23:30 (with possible extending to 0:00). Raid Schedule: Thursday, Monday. Wednesday will be a variable day with the same raidtimes (serious m+ pushing, heroic raiding, or even mythic progression if needed).

Classes Any good application will be take into consideration. We need 1 or 2 more raiders to fill the raid team for good. The classes we are recruiting at the very moment are listed on wowprogress.

Contact information Feel free to join our discord: And/or feel free to contact us:Bnet: Pwarr#2305 Discord: Pwarr#7115 or Discord: Dennis_zyjah_cleric#3906 or Bnet:Zyjah#2224

Last updated 215 weeks ago
About Rehabilitated

General information Guild Name: Rehabilitated Faction: Horde Realm: Ragnaros (EU) Realm Timezone: GMT+1

Primary Language: English

Most important to know about us With a serious touch, full competitive goals, without going full mental. Being friendly and social in all situations. Maintaining a balance between hardcore and semi-hardcore raiding. Aiming for cutting edge achievements in Shadowlands.

For Shadowlands the guild has reformed after the launch of BFA the game did not feel right for us anymore. After raiding together since WOTLK, we decided to go with a new start on Ragnaros as Horde (always played Alliance before). The core of the guild consists of around 10 people who have raided together since WOTLK. Cutting edges were achieved. We raided heroic ICC, all the heroic MOP raids, all mythic Legion raids. Old guild name: Sanctum guards on Magtheridon (EU).

Semi-hardcore or hardcore? The core of the group has been together for quite some time. As a group, we have encoutered different goals of playing together. As we were never casual, this is mostly alligned with "Semi-hardcore" goals. However, we experienced that Semi-Hardcore is not always the best phrase to summarize who we are. Often we go a step further, without going full mental. An example:

  • Top hardcore guilds raid 5-7 nights a week when release happens. We will (only) raid 2-3 nights (3 and a half hour per evening). 1 night a week will be organized as flexible (mythic progression, m+ dungeons, heroic raiding, PVP, funtime).
  • Top hardcore guilds aim for the 'perfect' setup for progression, which basically means excluding classes from tier. We will choose the 'perfect' comp only when we will hit a brick wall, as we want to try to remain flexible and allow raiders to play thier main spec. We allow 'memespecs' if the player shows an exceptional proficiency.
  • Top hardcore guilds require people to choose 2-3 mains. We have no such policies. 1 main is enough. If you have more, that's fine as well.
  • Top hardcore guilds aim for 100% attendance of around 21 people. We will aim for a bit more and rotate for the sake of social life (aiming between 23-25 raiders).
  • Top hardcore guilds aim for server first and world top 100. We aim for cutting edge as soon as is possible, and see what ranking is possible with that. However, not getting cutting edge is not an option and we will adjust accordingly.

In our vision this is more serious than semi-hardcore where guilds may aim for cutting edge or not, may switch people out on specific bosses or not. We will do that, but only if it is 100% required.

Raid schedule Raid Times: 20:00 - 23:30 (with possible extending to 0:00). Raid Schedule: Thursday, Monday. Wednesday will be a variable day with the same raidtimes (serious m+ pushing, heroic raiding, or even mythic progression if needed).

Classes Any good application will be take into consideration. We need 1 or 2 more raiders to fill the raid team for good. The classes we are recruiting at the very moment are listed on wowprogress.

Contact information Feel free to join our discord: And/or feel free to contact us:Bnet: Pwarr#2305 Discord: Pwarr#7115 or Discord: Dennis_zyjah_cleric#3906 or Bnet:Zyjah#2224

Last updated 215 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic4/8 H19,6809,694231
Normal5/8 N20,3479,833236
RealmID 686
GroupID 1293172
GuildID 1326197

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago