Last scanned 3 days ago
About Symbiosis |
Symbiosis is a two night mythic guild which raids from 19:45 to 23:00 server time on Thursdays and Mondays. We pride ourselves on making well paced progression through Mythic content on a lighter raid schedule. Many members of the guild have played together for 6+ years, and have progressed through the content that many expansions had to offer together. If you're looking for a guild that could be your home for years to come with a relaxed yet serious attitude towards raid progression, then we might be the place for you. We are currently recruiting for Uldir progression, and are especially interested in adding more ranged dps. Other than our scheduled main raiding days, we run social raids on Wednesday evenings. We have a very active environment within the guild, with people regularly online and running content including older raids and mythic+ dungeons. Additionally, many guild members participate in activities outside of World of Warcraft such as Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, Starcraft and Dungeons and Dragons. If you're interested in joining Symbiosis: Add azure#21640 for any queries. All applications welcome in the guild's discord channel: If you're looking to push through content with friendly and skilled players then you should give us a try and apply. Once you have made your application, we aim to get back within a 48 hour period. Thanks for your interest and good luck! Last updated 331 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Notkin |
About Symbiosis |
Symbiosis is a two night mythic guild which raids from 19:45 to 23:00 server time on Thursdays and Mondays. We pride ourselves on making well paced progression through Mythic content on a lighter raid schedule. Many members of the guild have played together for 6+ years, and have progressed through the content that many expansions had to offer together. If you're looking for a guild that could be your home for years to come with a relaxed yet serious attitude towards raid progression, then we might be the place for you. We are currently recruiting for Uldir progression, and are especially interested in adding more ranged dps. Other than our scheduled main raiding days, we run social raids on Wednesday evenings. We have a very active environment within the guild, with people regularly online and running content including older raids and mythic+ dungeons. Additionally, many guild members participate in activities outside of World of Warcraft such as Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, Starcraft and Dungeons and Dragons. If you're interested in joining Symbiosis: Add azure#21640 for any queries. All applications welcome in the guild's discord channel: If you're looking to push through content with friendly and skilled players then you should give us a try and apply. Once you have made your application, we aim to get back within a 48 hour period. Thanks for your interest and good luck! Last updated 331 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?