
1/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 5th Raid Week)
2/8 H
Blackrock Depths

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago

About Flatline

Hello All!

Flatline is a tightly-knit guild looking to fill our roster with Mythic progression players who aspire to push far into each tier, all while adhering to a weekend schedule. We value your enjoyment of the game as much as your skill. Your class preference takes precedence over meta conformity. Please do not hesitate to connect with us, even if your chosen class falls outside the conventional lists.

As of now we are requiring our trials to transfer to Ravencrest-eu if offered a spot.

Our Expectations:

  • Come to raid fully prepared. Know your class, have all pots/flasks/gems, enchants, etc. and research fights.
  • Communication is key. Communicate if you will be absent. Please contact our raid lead via discord If you know or are unsure that you’ll make it to raid. We understand that life happens, however, if attendance becomes an issue we leave it up to our raid lead to decide if someone needs to be removed from the team or not.
  • Be able to take constructive criticism. We will not yell or berate a team member for mistakes, but we will address issues as needed.
  • Be polite. When pugging, talking in trade chat, etc you are representing our guild.
  • Please no drama. If you have any concerns please address them to an officer.
  • Players will need to be dedicated with a 80% attendance minimum

What we offer you:

  • A social and end game progression oriented community that is always ready to lend a hand and support its individual players
  • Guild leadership that is always looking after their members and working as a team towards individual and guild betterment
  • A non Toxic environment that is dedicated to helping each other with theory crafting and feedback on raid performance.

Raid days:

  • Saturday 21:00-00:00 server time
  • Sunday 20:00-23:00 server time

If you are seeking a progression-oriented guild with a welcoming social core, please reach out to one of our officers: Yenthe (Discord: .Yenthe) or Sarah (Discord: sarahb1990), for a more in-depth discussion or apply via

Join us on our journey to conquer Mythic challenges and reach the pinnacle of World of Warcraft. We look forward to exploring the possibilities together.

Last updated 61 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Drigger

Officers: Isoldá, Modguud, Sarahb

About Flatline

Hello All!

Flatline is a tightly-knit guild looking to fill our roster with Mythic progression players who aspire to push far into each tier, all while adhering to a weekend schedule. We value your enjoyment of the game as much as your skill. Your class preference takes precedence over meta conformity. Please do not hesitate to connect with us, even if your chosen class falls outside the conventional lists.

As of now we are requiring our trials to transfer to Ravencrest-eu if offered a spot.

Our Expectations:

  • Come to raid fully prepared. Know your class, have all pots/flasks/gems, enchants, etc. and research fights.
  • Communication is key. Communicate if you will be absent. Please contact our raid lead via discord If you know or are unsure that you’ll make it to raid. We understand that life happens, however, if attendance becomes an issue we leave it up to our raid lead to decide if someone needs to be removed from the team or not.
  • Be able to take constructive criticism. We will not yell or berate a team member for mistakes, but we will address issues as needed.
  • Be polite. When pugging, talking in trade chat, etc you are representing our guild.
  • Please no drama. If you have any concerns please address them to an officer.
  • Players will need to be dedicated with a 80% attendance minimum

What we offer you:

  • A social and end game progression oriented community that is always ready to lend a hand and support its individual players
  • Guild leadership that is always looking after their members and working as a team towards individual and guild betterment
  • A non Toxic environment that is dedicated to helping each other with theory crafting and feedback on raid performance.

Raid days:

  • Saturday 21:00-00:00 server time
  • Sunday 20:00-23:00 server time

If you are seeking a progression-oriented guild with a welcoming social core, please reach out to one of our officers: Yenthe (Discord: .Yenthe) or Sarah (Discord: sarahb1990), for a more in-depth discussion or apply via

Join us on our journey to conquer Mythic challenges and reach the pinnacle of World of Warcraft. We look forward to exploring the possibilities together.

Last updated 61 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Drigger

Officers: Isoldá, Modguud, Sarahb

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic1/8 M6,7253,704101
Heroic8/8 H4,2172,34471
Normal8/8 N5,6892,68078
Blackrock Depths
Heroic2/8 H3,6272,02849
RealmID 689
GroupID 1537225
GuildID 1563811

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago