
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago

About Momentum

Momentum is a cutting edge raiding guild looking for some select specs to fill out our roster. Of course we will also consider any other exceptional players.

We are a three day raiding guild that raids on Wednesday, Sunday and Tuesday from 20:30 to 23:30. We want people to be dedicated enough to raiding to attend 90%+ of our raids.

We are a relatively new guild formed in the beginning of the Nighthold. After a merger of two guilds struggling in low mythic we quickly found ourselves with a team rapidly progressing on a two day schedule. In later raid tiers we expanded to three days to push ourselves further and becoming a cutting edge guild, which we did in Antorus. Sadly our old realm did not provide a good environment to sustain or improve our roster so we have transferred to Ravencrest for BfA. Our goal now is to fill out our roster and go for cutting edge in every raid tier in BfA.

What we expect from our members:

  • A high level of preparation to ensure an efficient raid environment. This includes many aspects such as class knowledge, understanding of fight mechanics, UI customization etc.
  • A progression oriented attitude. We want people to be critical of their own performance and open minded towards feedback. At all times you should be aware of your performance within the raid and within your class, which also requires the ability to interpret logs.
  • That you play the game outside of raids to keep your character’s strength at a relevant level. We will always try to communicate the minimum effort that we find reasonable but generally speaking only showing up for raids is not going to be enough.

At this point we are only looking for solid dps players. We are open to all specializations but our wowprogress will tell you which ones are needed the most. Our requirements for trials are not set in stone but realistically you will need some form of high end raiding experience to be able to perform at a cutting edge level. Your current raid experience will also influence how fast we can fit you into the roster for the next tier.

If you are interested in joining, feel free to contact one of our officers below or fill in our application form directly:

Terrathaw (Babadiboopy#1179) / Monogon (Mono#22674) / Terripriest (Territum#2325) / Karilicious (Karii#21210)

Application form:

Last updated 303 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

About Momentum

Momentum is a cutting edge raiding guild looking for some select specs to fill out our roster. Of course we will also consider any other exceptional players.

We are a three day raiding guild that raids on Wednesday, Sunday and Tuesday from 20:30 to 23:30. We want people to be dedicated enough to raiding to attend 90%+ of our raids.

We are a relatively new guild formed in the beginning of the Nighthold. After a merger of two guilds struggling in low mythic we quickly found ourselves with a team rapidly progressing on a two day schedule. In later raid tiers we expanded to three days to push ourselves further and becoming a cutting edge guild, which we did in Antorus. Sadly our old realm did not provide a good environment to sustain or improve our roster so we have transferred to Ravencrest for BfA. Our goal now is to fill out our roster and go for cutting edge in every raid tier in BfA.

What we expect from our members:

  • A high level of preparation to ensure an efficient raid environment. This includes many aspects such as class knowledge, understanding of fight mechanics, UI customization etc.
  • A progression oriented attitude. We want people to be critical of their own performance and open minded towards feedback. At all times you should be aware of your performance within the raid and within your class, which also requires the ability to interpret logs.
  • That you play the game outside of raids to keep your character’s strength at a relevant level. We will always try to communicate the minimum effort that we find reasonable but generally speaking only showing up for raids is not going to be enough.

At this point we are only looking for solid dps players. We are open to all specializations but our wowprogress will tell you which ones are needed the most. Our requirements for trials are not set in stone but realistically you will need some form of high end raiding experience to be able to perform at a cutting edge level. Your current raid experience will also influence how fast we can fit you into the roster for the next tier.

If you are interested in joining, feel free to contact one of our officers below or fill in our application form directly:

Terrathaw (Babadiboopy#1179) / Monogon (Mono#22674) / Terripriest (Territum#2325) / Karilicious (Karii#21210)

Application form:

Last updated 303 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 689
GroupID 736380
GuildID 774109

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 weeks ago