Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About Qualify |
Qualify is no longer raiding About us Qualify consists of semi-hardcore and ex-hardcore players with multiple Cutting Edge achievements from previous tiers. We are a tight group of players who consistently perform during raids whist maintaining an enjoyable atmosphere. Our raiding environment is focused, calm and collected, however, we also enjoy having a laugh while progressing. We aim to achieve Cutting Edge at a good progress pace and push ourselves to get better every tier whilst maintaining a 2d/week (6hrs) raiding schedule (even during a pandemic). Our aim is to have a team that CAN push higher ranks if they raided more days, but chooses to commit to a 2 day per week schedule. Raiding schedule
Progress ★Battle for Azeroth★
Logs are public and can be found here: Requirements: Know your class inside and out – We expect you to do your own research and actively try to improve your performance and maximize your output. It’s important that you maintain your character to the best of your ability. Mastering your offspecs is not a requirement but will increase your chances over someone who does not play them at all. A Mature Attitude – No unnecessary drama is tolerated - if you can't handle a joke then this is not the guild for you. Having said that, we do expect you to respect everyone both inside and outside of the guild. We also require our raiders to be able to handle constructive criticism and admit failure as we all make mistakes from time to time especially in high pressure situations. Having said that, we don’t tolerate toxicity or getting angry at your fellow raid members. Awareness and Performance – Progressing mythic content at a reasonable pace comes down to consistent awareness and performance of our raid members. Coming to the raid with knowledge of any encounters that you will face is of upmost importance. We do expect our raiders to be able to adapt quickly and efficiently to any challenging encounter whilst constantly trying to maximize their output. Attendance – The same players consistently showing up is one of the most important factors to fast progression and reliable farm. Our goal is to have around 23-25 geared and skilled raiders in our roster which we will rotate in and out depending on which comp is the best for the boss fight and obtainable loot on farm. Since we only raid twice a week, we do expect our raiders to have close to 100% attendance. Ability to communicate – Communication is key in a mythic raiding guild. Therefore we expect our raiders to be capable of making relevant and concise calls during encounters as well as listen to what others are talking about and learn from their mistakes. Mistakes made by one can teach many! Flexibility - Since we aim to keep our roster somewhere between 23-25 players there will most likely be times when you are going to be rotated out of a raid, or asked to sit out. If this is a problem for you and you can't take one for the team, then you aren't who we are looking for. We also enjoy pushing high M+ keys and you can find quite a few players with good score in the guild. Contact Info Name (Discord) Luthiani (matti9845) - GM Saga (vond) - Officer Sickoont (sicbro) - Officer Last updated 51 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Miniani |
About Qualify |
Qualify is no longer raiding About us Qualify consists of semi-hardcore and ex-hardcore players with multiple Cutting Edge achievements from previous tiers. We are a tight group of players who consistently perform during raids whist maintaining an enjoyable atmosphere. Our raiding environment is focused, calm and collected, however, we also enjoy having a laugh while progressing. We aim to achieve Cutting Edge at a good progress pace and push ourselves to get better every tier whilst maintaining a 2d/week (6hrs) raiding schedule (even during a pandemic). Our aim is to have a team that CAN push higher ranks if they raided more days, but chooses to commit to a 2 day per week schedule. Raiding schedule
Progress ★Battle for Azeroth★
Logs are public and can be found here: Requirements: Know your class inside and out – We expect you to do your own research and actively try to improve your performance and maximize your output. It’s important that you maintain your character to the best of your ability. Mastering your offspecs is not a requirement but will increase your chances over someone who does not play them at all. A Mature Attitude – No unnecessary drama is tolerated - if you can't handle a joke then this is not the guild for you. Having said that, we do expect you to respect everyone both inside and outside of the guild. We also require our raiders to be able to handle constructive criticism and admit failure as we all make mistakes from time to time especially in high pressure situations. Having said that, we don’t tolerate toxicity or getting angry at your fellow raid members. Awareness and Performance – Progressing mythic content at a reasonable pace comes down to consistent awareness and performance of our raid members. Coming to the raid with knowledge of any encounters that you will face is of upmost importance. We do expect our raiders to be able to adapt quickly and efficiently to any challenging encounter whilst constantly trying to maximize their output. Attendance – The same players consistently showing up is one of the most important factors to fast progression and reliable farm. Our goal is to have around 23-25 geared and skilled raiders in our roster which we will rotate in and out depending on which comp is the best for the boss fight and obtainable loot on farm. Since we only raid twice a week, we do expect our raiders to have close to 100% attendance. Ability to communicate – Communication is key in a mythic raiding guild. Therefore we expect our raiders to be capable of making relevant and concise calls during encounters as well as listen to what others are talking about and learn from their mistakes. Mistakes made by one can teach many! Flexibility - Since we aim to keep our roster somewhere between 23-25 players there will most likely be times when you are going to be rotated out of a raid, or asked to sit out. If this is a problem for you and you can't take one for the team, then you aren't who we are looking for. We also enjoy pushing high M+ keys and you can find quite a few players with good score in the guild. Contact Info Name (Discord) Luthiani (matti9845) - GM Saga (vond) - Officer Sickoont (sicbro) - Officer Last updated 51 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?