Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago


++We are actively looking for players to challenge our current roster.++


*RECRUITMENT OPEN FOR ALL CLASSES* ++We are currently recruiting to improve our roster for the remaining of 8.3 going into Shadowlands++


++Who we are?++ RETRY is a 3-day Alliance raiding guild situated on Ravencrest. Our current goal is to progress at a high level with an aim to improve our world rank each tier.


++Schedule++ We raid 3 days a week. During the release of Mythic we will raid 4 days for the first 4 weeks.


++Raid Times++ -Wednesday - 19:45 - 23:30 -Thursday - 19:45 - 23:30 -Sunday - 19:45 - 23:30 -Monday - 19:45 - 23:30 (First 4 weeks of Mythic only) -Tuesday -20.00 (Jaina mount run)


++What we expect from you++ We are looking for people for our main roster that are capable of achieving the performance required to achieve our goals and challenge our current raiders.


  • Experience – multiple tiers of past mythic progress experience is ideal.
  • Neck level 80+ on your main character minimum
  • Be prepared for the raid, do your research.
  • Be prepared to gear your character by all means possible in a new tier.
  • Attendance 99+%
  • No complaining, or toxic behavior
  • Ability to communicate in English (written and spoken).
  • Be able to receive criticism and fix your mistakes not blame others.
  • Ability to adapt to new tactics within a few pulls as to not waste time.
  • Put the raid first not your personal logs, this includes being benched if required for the fight.
  • Raid farm – available for content farming when the tier has been completed.


We DO NOT expect people to have an alt. If you want to maintain an alt it will be in your time unless the guild specifically asks you to play said alt for a certain encounter, then you will recieve help gearing it for the guilds needs.


We expect you to gear up outside the raid in M+ or any content to improve your gear between raiding days this is mandatory failing to do any of the above will result in failure of your trial or demotion from your current rank.


Contact one of the officers below if you have further questions or apply at ++Boosts++ <RETRY> is currently boosting Mythic Jaina mounts


++Officers/Battletags++ (GM)Antára (antara#2215), Nêmesìs (Nemesis#23162) Toboid (Tobo#21469)

Last updated 246 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Officers: Mansafpriest, Tokalin, Tokamag, Tokamon, Tokardina


++We are actively looking for players to challenge our current roster.++


*RECRUITMENT OPEN FOR ALL CLASSES* ++We are currently recruiting to improve our roster for the remaining of 8.3 going into Shadowlands++


++Who we are?++ RETRY is a 3-day Alliance raiding guild situated on Ravencrest. Our current goal is to progress at a high level with an aim to improve our world rank each tier.


++Schedule++ We raid 3 days a week. During the release of Mythic we will raid 4 days for the first 4 weeks.


++Raid Times++ -Wednesday - 19:45 - 23:30 -Thursday - 19:45 - 23:30 -Sunday - 19:45 - 23:30 -Monday - 19:45 - 23:30 (First 4 weeks of Mythic only) -Tuesday -20.00 (Jaina mount run)


++What we expect from you++ We are looking for people for our main roster that are capable of achieving the performance required to achieve our goals and challenge our current raiders.


  • Experience – multiple tiers of past mythic progress experience is ideal.
  • Neck level 80+ on your main character minimum
  • Be prepared for the raid, do your research.
  • Be prepared to gear your character by all means possible in a new tier.
  • Attendance 99+%
  • No complaining, or toxic behavior
  • Ability to communicate in English (written and spoken).
  • Be able to receive criticism and fix your mistakes not blame others.
  • Ability to adapt to new tactics within a few pulls as to not waste time.
  • Put the raid first not your personal logs, this includes being benched if required for the fight.
  • Raid farm – available for content farming when the tier has been completed.


We DO NOT expect people to have an alt. If you want to maintain an alt it will be in your time unless the guild specifically asks you to play said alt for a certain encounter, then you will recieve help gearing it for the guilds needs.


We expect you to gear up outside the raid in M+ or any content to improve your gear between raiding days this is mandatory failing to do any of the above will result in failure of your trial or demotion from your current rank.


Contact one of the officers below if you have further questions or apply at ++Boosts++ <RETRY> is currently boosting Mythic Jaina mounts


++Officers/Battletags++ (GM)Antára (antara#2215), Nêmesìs (Nemesis#23162) Toboid (Tobo#21469)

Last updated 246 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Officers: Mansafpriest, Tokalin, Tokamag, Tokamon, Tokardina

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 689
GroupID 1478
GuildID 42667

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago