Last scanned 3 weeks ago
About Requiem |
Requiem [Ravencrest EU] Welcome to our guild page on Founded by a group of friends originally back in 2013 on Quel-Thalas, we moved over to Ravencrest (as Oathsworn) to seek greener shores. Later on we were able to free up our original name Requiem on Ravencrest and will be known as such going into Shadowlands. Our aim in Shadowlands is to clear Heroic Raid Difficulty content in a comfortable and timely manner. As soon as HC is cleared we will dabble in some Mythic raiding if we have enough members up for it and skilled for it. We will not push for the Cutting Edge achievement. Our progression raids are on Wednesday (19.30h - 22.00h server time) and Monday (19.30h - 22.00h). On Sunday (19.30h - 22.00h) we do Sanctum of Domination on Normal at the moment. This is a non-mandatory raid night. ++Our goals++
++What do we offer++
++What do we expect from you++ ++Raider++
Thanks for taking the time to visit our guild page. Generally speaking, with us you join for the boss kills and stay for the banter. Socials welcome aswell, we'd love to have you. If you are interested please get in contact with one of the members of the guild management. Contact information is found below. Guild Leader: Sarchai-Ravencrest Bnet: Sarth#21218 Discord: Sarth#3134 Raid Leader: Alakezan-Ravencrest Recruitment Officer: Borandor-Ravencrest Bnet: Bearson#21287 Discord: Bearson#1114 Healing Officer: Tídé-Ravencrest Bnet: Fluffy#22337 Discord: Jqnight#4705 WoW Progress: ++Achievements++ ++Shadowlands++ Sanctum of Domination: 6/10 Heroic Castle Nathria: 2/10 Mythic ++Battle For Azeroth++ Ny'alotha: 3/12 Mythic (as combined crossrealm effort) Eternal Palace: 8/8 Normal (as combined crossrealm effort) Crucible of Storms: 0/2 Battle of Dazar'Alor: 1/9 Mythic (as Oathsworn - Ravencrest) Uldir: 6/8 Mythic (as Oathsworn - Ravencrest) ++Legion (as Requiem - Quel'Thalas)++ Antorus, the Burning Throne: 4/11 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras: 4/9 Mythic Nighthold: 3/10 Mythic Trial of Valor: 3/3 Heroic Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 Mythic Last updated 191 weeks ago |
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About Requiem |
Requiem [Ravencrest EU] Welcome to our guild page on Founded by a group of friends originally back in 2013 on Quel-Thalas, we moved over to Ravencrest (as Oathsworn) to seek greener shores. Later on we were able to free up our original name Requiem on Ravencrest and will be known as such going into Shadowlands. Our aim in Shadowlands is to clear Heroic Raid Difficulty content in a comfortable and timely manner. As soon as HC is cleared we will dabble in some Mythic raiding if we have enough members up for it and skilled for it. We will not push for the Cutting Edge achievement. Our progression raids are on Wednesday (19.30h - 22.00h server time) and Monday (19.30h - 22.00h). On Sunday (19.30h - 22.00h) we do Sanctum of Domination on Normal at the moment. This is a non-mandatory raid night. ++Our goals++
++What do we offer++
++What do we expect from you++ ++Raider++
Thanks for taking the time to visit our guild page. Generally speaking, with us you join for the boss kills and stay for the banter. Socials welcome aswell, we'd love to have you. If you are interested please get in contact with one of the members of the guild management. Contact information is found below. Guild Leader: Sarchai-Ravencrest Bnet: Sarth#21218 Discord: Sarth#3134 Raid Leader: Alakezan-Ravencrest Recruitment Officer: Borandor-Ravencrest Bnet: Bearson#21287 Discord: Bearson#1114 Healing Officer: Tídé-Ravencrest Bnet: Fluffy#22337 Discord: Jqnight#4705 WoW Progress: ++Achievements++ ++Shadowlands++ Sanctum of Domination: 6/10 Heroic Castle Nathria: 2/10 Mythic ++Battle For Azeroth++ Ny'alotha: 3/12 Mythic (as combined crossrealm effort) Eternal Palace: 8/8 Normal (as combined crossrealm effort) Crucible of Storms: 0/2 Battle of Dazar'Alor: 1/9 Mythic (as Oathsworn - Ravencrest) Uldir: 6/8 Mythic (as Oathsworn - Ravencrest) ++Legion (as Requiem - Quel'Thalas)++ Antorus, the Burning Throne: 4/11 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras: 4/9 Mythic Nighthold: 3/10 Mythic Trial of Valor: 3/3 Heroic Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 Mythic Last updated 191 weeks ago |
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Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?