Last scanned 2 weeks ago
About Stasis |
Currently recruiting a disc priest and any exceptional DPS for Eternal Palace progress! General Stasis is a long standing guild on Ravencrest, having started raiding as early as in Karazhan. Following that we raided Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep, clearing all content on 25man until Throne of Thunder, where we had a break from raiding. We returned to clear Siege of Orgrimmar on 10man difficulty. Warlords of Draenor was quiet time for us. In Legion we cleared Emerald Nightmare, had very close to kill attempts on Gul'dan, cleared up to Kil'Jaeden in Tomb of Soak and murdered Argus in Antorus. In BFA we cleared Uldir and are currently progressing in BfD. Recruitment Status We always consider each and every application we receive, so even if we are not actively looking for the specific class or specialization, don't hesistate to post an application. We always have room for players with nice personality, talent and desire to experience raid content when it's current. Raid Schedule
What we offer We are offering you a spot to raid with people who want to experience current raid content while having fun and progressing on our own pace. What we want from you We are looking for mature members, so we prefer them being over 18 years old, although we have had rare exceptions in the past. You need to be in control of your own schedule and you have to be able to take some criticism. Having sense of humor is important! We want our raiders to be active, both when it comes to attending raids and learning to play their class and role better. Be open. If there's something bothering you, be it about the guild, raid or some other member, do not hesitate to contact an officer about it. No one is perfect and we all sometimes need feedback, both positive and negative. How to apply Head over to our Discord linked below in order to find out how to apply. For additional information, feel free to contact us ingame (Lithian, Sakanade, Arainie or Bluppz) or DM either officer on Discord. Regards, the Stasis Officer Team
Last updated 294 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Calalith |
About Stasis |
Currently recruiting a disc priest and any exceptional DPS for Eternal Palace progress! General Stasis is a long standing guild on Ravencrest, having started raiding as early as in Karazhan. Following that we raided Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep, clearing all content on 25man until Throne of Thunder, where we had a break from raiding. We returned to clear Siege of Orgrimmar on 10man difficulty. Warlords of Draenor was quiet time for us. In Legion we cleared Emerald Nightmare, had very close to kill attempts on Gul'dan, cleared up to Kil'Jaeden in Tomb of Soak and murdered Argus in Antorus. In BFA we cleared Uldir and are currently progressing in BfD. Recruitment Status We always consider each and every application we receive, so even if we are not actively looking for the specific class or specialization, don't hesistate to post an application. We always have room for players with nice personality, talent and desire to experience raid content when it's current. Raid Schedule
What we offer We are offering you a spot to raid with people who want to experience current raid content while having fun and progressing on our own pace. What we want from you We are looking for mature members, so we prefer them being over 18 years old, although we have had rare exceptions in the past. You need to be in control of your own schedule and you have to be able to take some criticism. Having sense of humor is important! We want our raiders to be active, both when it comes to attending raids and learning to play their class and role better. Be open. If there's something bothering you, be it about the guild, raid or some other member, do not hesitate to contact an officer about it. No one is perfect and we all sometimes need feedback, both positive and negative. How to apply Head over to our Discord linked below in order to find out how to apply. For additional information, feel free to contact us ingame (Lithian, Sakanade, Arainie or Bluppz) or DM either officer on Discord. Regards, the Stasis Officer Team
Last updated 294 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?