Last scanned 6 days ago
About Hive |
<Hive> is recruiting Hive was founded on the 15th Feb 2005 and is one of the oldest guilds on Shadowsong EU. Our goals are to experience as much of the end-game content as is possibly attainable, while still successfully managing real-life responsibilities. If you have real-life obligations, like a full-time job, that requires a lot of your time, but you still have the need to do end game raiding. then Hive is the place for you! With our short, yet focused, raiding schedule, there is a good balance between enjoyable progression raiding and getting on with life. We recruit the player not the pixels. Our 2 Raiding Days are Wed & Thur, with optional mythic raid on Mon Raid Times: 20:30 - 00:00 server Interested? Apply through guild finder, RIO, or contact any member in-game. Recruiting status: active Last updated 25 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Tuskrogg |
About Hive |
<Hive> is recruiting Hive was founded on the 15th Feb 2005 and is one of the oldest guilds on Shadowsong EU. Our goals are to experience as much of the end-game content as is possibly attainable, while still successfully managing real-life responsibilities. If you have real-life obligations, like a full-time job, that requires a lot of your time, but you still have the need to do end game raiding. then Hive is the place for you! With our short, yet focused, raiding schedule, there is a good balance between enjoyable progression raiding and getting on with life. We recruit the player not the pixels. Our 2 Raiding Days are Wed & Thur, with optional mythic raid on Mon Raid Times: 20:30 - 00:00 server Interested? Apply through guild finder, RIO, or contact any member in-game. Recruiting status: active Last updated 25 weeks ago |