
1/8 M
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 2nd Raid Week)
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Mythic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 24th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 15 hours ago

About Affinity

<Affinity> is a Cutting Edge raiding guild with a forward-looking ethos. Our approach to raiding is simple, CE each season, as smooth as possible.

We are not setting for ourselves a world ranking target, and we do not believe in being try-hard for try-hard’s sake. However, we have a team of talented players who take the game seriously and most importantly respect each-other’s time put into it.

With a fantastic community established, with a history dating back over 7 years and a number of CE under our belt already, we are always on the lookout for new members to join us and expand our community.


Raiding Schedule

We operate on a two-day a week raiding schedule:

Thursday 20:30 to 23:30 game time. Sunday 20:00 to 23:00 game time.

Most of our members are based in the UK so having a slightly later start time works well for having a bit of downtime in the evening before raid start.

During new content, and if we are reaching a critical moment in a tier (i.e. close to downing a wall boss or end boss) we will look to schedule an additional raid on a Tuesday 20:30 to 23:30.


Recruitment & Contacts

We are as a high priority looking for a Mage for Season 2. Along with a Warlock & Havoc Demon Hunter.

For recruitment enquiries please add joshh5854 on Discord, or contact any of the leadership team on

Llonie#2115 Transigence#2236 Hartz#21509 Zyqaz#21143

All our members can assist with recruitment enquiries, if you have tried making contact with a member of the leadership team and have not heard back, do message any one in game for an update. We will always respond to recruitment enquiries.

Last updated 2 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Hartzworth

Officers: Edgeysperg, Lililandra, Maggie, Thazzle, Zyhunt, Zyqazxd

About Affinity

<Affinity> is a Cutting Edge raiding guild with a forward-looking ethos. Our approach to raiding is simple, CE each season, as smooth as possible.

We are not setting for ourselves a world ranking target, and we do not believe in being try-hard for try-hard’s sake. However, we have a team of talented players who take the game seriously and most importantly respect each-other’s time put into it.

With a fantastic community established, with a history dating back over 7 years and a number of CE under our belt already, we are always on the lookout for new members to join us and expand our community.


Raiding Schedule

We operate on a two-day a week raiding schedule:

Thursday 20:30 to 23:30 game time. Sunday 20:00 to 23:00 game time.

Most of our members are based in the UK so having a slightly later start time works well for having a bit of downtime in the evening before raid start.

During new content, and if we are reaching a critical moment in a tier (i.e. close to downing a wall boss or end boss) we will look to schedule an additional raid on a Tuesday 20:30 to 23:30.


Recruitment & Contacts

We are as a high priority looking for a Mage for Season 2. Along with a Warlock & Havoc Demon Hunter.

For recruitment enquiries please add joshh5854 on Discord, or contact any of the leadership team on

Llonie#2115 Transigence#2236 Hartz#21509 Zyqaz#21143

All our members can assist with recruitment enquiries, if you have tried making contact with a member of the leadership team and have not heard back, do message any one in game for an update. We will always respond to recruitment enquiries.

Last updated 2 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Hartzworth

Officers: Edgeysperg, Lililandra, Maggie, Thazzle, Zyhunt, Zyqazxd

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Mythic1/8 M2,0081,13547
Heroic8/8 H99459317
Normal8/8 N1,74090934
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic8/8 M1,54187931
Heroic8/8 H1,13366224
Normal8/8 N1,55392551
RealmID 704
GroupID 646778
GuildID 683048

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 15 hours ago