
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Assemble

Our guild has been formed at the beginning of April, 2020, on Silvermoon-EU realm. It's been formed by a small team of romanian players that have raided together in the previous expansions. The aim of this guild is to build a strong community that would excel in most World of Warcraft activities - although, our main target being PvE-related content (e.g. Raiding). Here everyone is being treated with respect and we value it more than anything else, hence we would like this guild to feel like "home".

We are currently looking for **Restoration Shamans / Restoration Druids / Holy Priests / Disc Priests **!

If you're interested in applying contact Dirtywendar - Boboc#2606 (Battle.Net) / Dirtywendar#1269 (Discord).

Guild Rules:

  • Be respectful towards other members of the Guild. We value respect over anything else here.
  • Do not spam in Guild Chat or Raid Chat during Guild Raids.
  • Do not AFK or be late for the Guild Raids, especially if you're a Raider.
  • Attend Guild Raids if you're Raider. Let us know beforehand if you can not attend a specific raid.
  • Avoid being toxic, even with players that are not part of this Guild. We do not want to ruin the reputation of the Guild.
  • Be silent on Discord during Boss Fights (unless you've been given a special task - e.g. Callouts, etc.), and do not talk non-Raid related stuff during a Guild Raid.
  • Do not ask for loot in case something drops. Not-needed loot will be given through RCLootCouncil addon (MS > OS priority) - make sure you have this addon installed. Players with Raider rank have priority over Member/Trial/Alt at loot.

Raiding Times:

Wednesday: 20:00-23:00 ST

Friday: 20:00-23:00 ST

Sunday: 20:00-23:00 ST

Note: Your attendance is required. In case something comes up and you can't come, please let us know beforehand, else you'd risk rank demotion from Raider to Member/Trial and you won't be guaranteed a spot in the future Guild Raids.

Last updated 199 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

About Assemble

Our guild has been formed at the beginning of April, 2020, on Silvermoon-EU realm. It's been formed by a small team of romanian players that have raided together in the previous expansions. The aim of this guild is to build a strong community that would excel in most World of Warcraft activities - although, our main target being PvE-related content (e.g. Raiding). Here everyone is being treated with respect and we value it more than anything else, hence we would like this guild to feel like "home".

We are currently looking for **Restoration Shamans / Restoration Druids / Holy Priests / Disc Priests **!

If you're interested in applying contact Dirtywendar - Boboc#2606 (Battle.Net) / Dirtywendar#1269 (Discord).

Guild Rules:

  • Be respectful towards other members of the Guild. We value respect over anything else here.
  • Do not spam in Guild Chat or Raid Chat during Guild Raids.
  • Do not AFK or be late for the Guild Raids, especially if you're a Raider.
  • Attend Guild Raids if you're Raider. Let us know beforehand if you can not attend a specific raid.
  • Avoid being toxic, even with players that are not part of this Guild. We do not want to ruin the reputation of the Guild.
  • Be silent on Discord during Boss Fights (unless you've been given a special task - e.g. Callouts, etc.), and do not talk non-Raid related stuff during a Guild Raid.
  • Do not ask for loot in case something drops. Not-needed loot will be given through RCLootCouncil addon (MS > OS priority) - make sure you have this addon installed. Players with Raider rank have priority over Member/Trial/Alt at loot.

Raiding Times:

Wednesday: 20:00-23:00 ST

Friday: 20:00-23:00 ST

Sunday: 20:00-23:00 ST

Note: Your attendance is required. In case something comes up and you can't come, please let us know beforehand, else you'd risk rank demotion from Raider to Member/Trial and you won't be guaranteed a spot in the future Guild Raids.

Last updated 199 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 704
GroupID 1157776
GuildID 1191496

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago