
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Hallowsong

Somehow we meet again, you may not know us but surely in a distant time, a distant place we sure were buddies.

Hallowsong is a guild started by a group of friends as a means to enjoy the game with more people regardless of the content be it raiding, doing dungeons, going for achievements so on and so forth. After Mythic raiding in more or less all tiers since Legion and getting CE in Nya, life got in the way and we had to take a break. Now we're back, looking for new and old players alike to enjoy the game with. For now we're taking a more casual approach to the game with the focus being on having fun and building a community, clearing HC and at least dipping our feet into Mythic.

Current raiding schedule:

-Tuesday 19:00-22:00 ST -Friday 19:00-22:00 ST


Despite being more casual, we're focused on making sure we progress efficiently within our official raiding time. We will not extend raid nights. What we are looking for? Anything goes

What do we expect of our raiders?

-Close to 100% attendance. We only do progression raids 2 days a week, we need to make it count. -Understanding of your class and spec. While we can help you out with pointers and tips, we can't play the game for you. -Be adaptable and open to improvement. We expect you to learn from your mistakes and not repeat the same thing over and over. Striving for improvement is the main thing that we look for in our raiders. -Be able to communicate in English. Whilst you do not have to speak at all the times, you must have a functional microphone and be able to respond to what's asked of you. -Respect for the guild and its members. -Turn up to raids with at least a general idea of what we're going to do. -Be prepared to sit out if required, as we always try to go with the best available setup for each of the bosses making sure both progression and loot is given to everyone in the team.

What can you expect from us?

-A stable guild leadership. -Progression raiding with a relaxed atmosphere. You'll find our raids can be extremely fun. -No unnecessary shouting during raids, we're all adults and when problems arise we fix them in a calm manner. -Competitive but not elitist players. -An active Discord server to keep people connected outside raids -Activities outside of raiding: Mythic+, PvP etc. We also have fun events like achievement and t-mog runs.

If you’re interested in a trial, or want more information, please contact us in game or on Discord!

  • Satan#9993 - Ayumuu - WarHound#21462
  • Fox#0888 - Foxarov - Foxero#2795
  • Preacher#0002 - Alastaeria - Colorsparks#1222

Last updated 116 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Alastaeria

Officers: Alondra, Madrikatua, Nythlora

About Hallowsong

Somehow we meet again, you may not know us but surely in a distant time, a distant place we sure were buddies.

Hallowsong is a guild started by a group of friends as a means to enjoy the game with more people regardless of the content be it raiding, doing dungeons, going for achievements so on and so forth. After Mythic raiding in more or less all tiers since Legion and getting CE in Nya, life got in the way and we had to take a break. Now we're back, looking for new and old players alike to enjoy the game with. For now we're taking a more casual approach to the game with the focus being on having fun and building a community, clearing HC and at least dipping our feet into Mythic.

Current raiding schedule:

-Tuesday 19:00-22:00 ST -Friday 19:00-22:00 ST


Despite being more casual, we're focused on making sure we progress efficiently within our official raiding time. We will not extend raid nights. What we are looking for? Anything goes

What do we expect of our raiders?

-Close to 100% attendance. We only do progression raids 2 days a week, we need to make it count. -Understanding of your class and spec. While we can help you out with pointers and tips, we can't play the game for you. -Be adaptable and open to improvement. We expect you to learn from your mistakes and not repeat the same thing over and over. Striving for improvement is the main thing that we look for in our raiders. -Be able to communicate in English. Whilst you do not have to speak at all the times, you must have a functional microphone and be able to respond to what's asked of you. -Respect for the guild and its members. -Turn up to raids with at least a general idea of what we're going to do. -Be prepared to sit out if required, as we always try to go with the best available setup for each of the bosses making sure both progression and loot is given to everyone in the team.

What can you expect from us?

-A stable guild leadership. -Progression raiding with a relaxed atmosphere. You'll find our raids can be extremely fun. -No unnecessary shouting during raids, we're all adults and when problems arise we fix them in a calm manner. -Competitive but not elitist players. -An active Discord server to keep people connected outside raids -Activities outside of raiding: Mythic+, PvP etc. We also have fun events like achievement and t-mog runs.

If you’re interested in a trial, or want more information, please contact us in game or on Discord!

  • Satan#9993 - Ayumuu - WarHound#21462
  • Fox#0888 - Foxarov - Foxero#2795
  • Preacher#0002 - Alastaeria - Colorsparks#1222

Last updated 116 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Alastaeria

Officers: Alondra, Madrikatua, Nythlora

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 704
GroupID 70459
GuildID 605191

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago