Last scanned 3 weeks ago
About Hermanos |
Hey lets try to clear this Mythic abit Welcome To Casual and fairly guild < Hermanos > was created and had roughly 10-14 core players who just wanted to raid cassualy. so we can screw around but at the same time do relative content (Mythic Raid). started meeting some new people who liked the atmosphere we had in raids time in guild, they slowly kept coming and staying with us for more runs together week after week. Recruitment If you are an exceptional dps, tank, or healer all are welcome to apply! Raid Times All times wednesday Mythic run 20:00pm - 23:00pm
Sunday Mythic Run 20:00pm - 23:00pm We went all the way up to get a raiding guild that wants to progress Mythic difficulty relative content. Even tough we want to progress and get stuff done we are by no means hardcore and regarding that our raiding days are. we will progress next as soon as our roster is boosted with fresh members that want to progress. What can I expect from Brothers
Contact any officer ingame or Bnet Gustaafer#2440 Last updated 115 weeks ago |
About Hermanos |
Hey lets try to clear this Mythic abit Welcome To Casual and fairly guild < Hermanos > was created and had roughly 10-14 core players who just wanted to raid cassualy. so we can screw around but at the same time do relative content (Mythic Raid). started meeting some new people who liked the atmosphere we had in raids time in guild, they slowly kept coming and staying with us for more runs together week after week. Recruitment If you are an exceptional dps, tank, or healer all are welcome to apply! Raid Times All times wednesday Mythic run 20:00pm - 23:00pm
Sunday Mythic Run 20:00pm - 23:00pm We went all the way up to get a raiding guild that wants to progress Mythic difficulty relative content. Even tough we want to progress and get stuff done we are by no means hardcore and regarding that our raiding days are. we will progress next as soon as our roster is boosted with fresh members that want to progress. What can I expect from Brothers
Contact any officer ingame or Bnet Gustaafer#2440 Last updated 115 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?